Ned's Mom Is Gunna Flip

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"You... you lost it?" Ned asked slowly.

I nodded and took a sip of water before setting it down on the table. "He took the suit." I said quietly. Though Y/n was in the shower, I didn't want to risk her overhearing.

"No! But it was so coo-" He stopped himself as I looked at the wood made table. "I mean... I'm so sorry dude... what are you going to do?"

"I don't even know." I muttered. I looked up and saw him frowning at me, not knowing what to say.

He finally found something to say that would help.

"Well, you don't have to hide things from her anymore." He stated.

"Yeah, you're right, Besides. after the ferry accident, maybe it's best I don't have the suit. I'm not a hero."

"Shut up." He stopped me.

"All those people could have died." I growled at him.

"But they didn't. And those weapons are still out there, weapons that could kill people." He spoke back to me sternly.

The bathroom door opened, Y/n walking out with a tank top and my sweatpants. She was walking towards us, ringing her hair out in a towel.

I looked at Ned to shut up, but he glared at me.

"What are you guys talking about?" Y/n asked as she sat down in the chair beside me.

"How Peter can rejoin the team!" Ned cheered, flashing me a sly grin. Damn it!

"What? Really?!" Y/n smiled, looking at me with such excitement.

"Y-yeah I don't see why I can't now..." I spoke with fake excitement.

"That's so awesome- I guess now is as good as a time as ever to tell you I got the spot as team captain..." She smiled at me.

"Y/n that's great!" I smiled back. She nodded in agreement before smiling down at the table. She was so clearly impressed with herself, and giddy now that Ned spoke about me being able to join the team.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be on the team, but it didn't feel right just yet. Like Ned said, those guys were still out there selling those weapons. Anyone could get their hands on them at any point, and they needed to be stopped.

"Yeah, we have another meeting in a week so we can all walk together." She smiled again. I gulped and nodded, no way to get out of this one.


"Going in... going iiiinn... NO!" Ned yelled from my couch, I could see from the kitchen as Y/n stood up next to him. Her hands were in the air as she cheered in victory, winning a one v one against Ned.

"Suck it Leeds, pay up!" She held out her hand. Grumbling, Ned dug his wallet out of his pocket and placed a five dollar bill in her hand.

She giggled before turning to me, spotting me over the island counter.

"Okay, Pete." She gave in a teasing tone. "You're up again."

"No way- I've got no more cash. I learned my lesson the first five times. You are the (your favorite video game) Queen." She pointed her chin up as she smiled as my words filled her with pride.

"That's right." She spoke.

"Besides, I got snacks ready." I held up a tray of snacks I made. Crackers, cheese dip, some veggies, and-

"(YOUR FACE FRUIT)!!!" She yelled, darting into the kitchen. She exchanged the entire platter for a kiss on the cheek before running back to Ned.

"I want a rematch." She spoke through a mouth of fruit.

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