Babblin' Ned

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"Ned, Peter. We are going to be late." Liz tapped on their door. Ned looked from the door to Peter's empty spot on the bed and felt panic in his chest. "Come on, let's go!"

"Okay! Hold on..." He quickly grabbed the glowy thing from the bed and shoved it in his pocket, as well as his phone. He pulled on his yellow blazer and opened the door. 

What would he say when people asked where he was? Especially to Y/n, who would no doubt worry. 

That being said, when Liz knocked on your door, you were quick to hop out of the room, bumping right into Ned. 

"Oh! Goodmorning Ned." You smiled, but looked past him to find Peter. You felt so much adrenaline, but it felt so good... 

You had never entered any type of competition before, is this how everyone felt?

"Goodmorning, let's go." He said, hoping to drag you away before you asked questions. Too late. 

"Where's Pete?" You asked as he pulled you down the busy hotel hallway. 

"Oh uh..." He struggled. "Must'a left early." 

You furrowed your eyebrows, but with the ruckus of everyone darting to the bus, you had no time to question anything. 

The bus ride was awkward, as Ned sat next to you and babbled on about the off yellow blazer's you were all forced to wear. He wouldn't let you get a single word in, which when you thought about it, was normal. 

The bus came to a sudden stop, and everyone jumped up. They had all done this so often, yet you didn't know what to expect. 

Feeling a bit pathetic, you followed everyone off like a lost puppy. They knew exactly where to go. The parking lot was filled with buses for the other competitors, and cars for audience members. 

People would be watching you? 

What if you answered wrong, and cost the team EVERYTHING?!

"H-hey, where's Peter? He wasn't on the bus." You wanted to ask that earlier but Ned had changed the subject to why declawing a cat was abuse. 

"Hmm?" He asked, looking at you with a dumb look. 

"Where is he?" You asked, digging your nails into your palms anxiously. 

"What?" He asked again.

"Ned... I'm so nervous..." You spoke out as you all walked in. His face changed from weird, to sympathetic. 

"Y/n," He turned to you. 

"You're gunna do great. I was nervous my first time too, don't let your anxiousness get the best of you. You're so smart, you practically carry the team." His words were so good to hear. 

Now that you thought about it, Ned was your friend. You didn't need JUST Peter, you had other people too. 

You smiled a greatful smile before before walking again. 

"Thank you, you'll do amazing too." 

"Please be sure all cellphones are turned off." A voice over the intercom spoke."Thank you."

 You took yours out of your pocket, following Ned's actions of course, and the two of you handed them in. 

"Let's win this."


"The next correct answer wins the championship."

The competition was coming to an end, and Peter did not show up. You were trying your hardest to swallow you disappointment, you knew you needed to focus completely. 

You knew this answer... you knew it!

"Midtown?" The announcer spoke as you buzzed in. Do it Y/n, do it!

"Zero..." You spoke with less confidence than you built up in your head. The man who was reading the cards out to you read the answer to himself, making your anxiety climb through the roof. 

You could feel everyone's breaths, waiting anxiously for the answer. What was it? Spit it out!

Slowly as ever, the man looked up at you, a smiling taking over his features. 

"That is correct. Midtown takes the championship!"

The cheers were deafening, considering your anxiety causing deafness in you before hand. 

That was right?! You were right!

Your team all cheered for you, patting your shoulder and shaking you like mad. 

You did it... you really did it. 

So this was what it was like to be a part of something... 


Cute little update for you guys <3 sorry no Spiderman was involved XC

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