More Promises

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As you bursted out of the front door, tears clouded your eyes, costing you your sight for a few moments.

"Y/n wait!" Peter yelled after you heard the door open back up. You ignored him and continued walking, going down the cement stairs. "I'm sorry!"

You turned to look at him but tripped backwards as your foot clipped the steps. Luckily, because of his great reflexes, Peter caught you before your head hit the step. You did, however, feel your knee split open.

The blood was colder than you would have thought, but you were just focused on Peter. He curled you into his chest, but you weakly punched and pushed to get away.

"Get off of me!" You sobbed, though you loved his touch.

His words really stung, you never intended to be so close and worried about him.

Geez, in the beginning you didn't even want to be his friend.

"Y/n, listen. Please." He begged. You had no more mental strength to keep fighting him, and just ended up standing there as he held you. It had to be past midnight, that's what the stars in the sky told you.

It was pretty much a miracle you could see them, considering the dangerous light pollution in New York.

"I didn't mean anything I said. you don't bother me, not even a bit." He started.

"But you said-" You wailed, but he stopped you.

"It doesn't matter what I said, I'm an idiot, you know that!"He tried to lighten the mood, but it didn't work. "I'm sorry. Honestly, if I didn't have you- I don't even know. You are the reason I'm still here, the reason I haven't gone completely crazy. It's because of you I have the full life I do. You complete me- entirely."

You sniffed and just listened, not wanting to talk.

"I need you... more than you'll ever know." He sniffed. He began crying too. It didn't matter if he was Spiderman or Peter, everything that kept him going was you. You were his rock, just as he was yours. "Please..." He begged.

You sniffed again and decided it wasn't worth fighting over. Knowing Peter, he would fix things and make them all okay again, like he always did.

You wrapped your arms around him, giving into his words. It was good to know he did need you, and you weren't the only one who depended on someone else.

"No more sneaking out, no more lying, nothing. From here on out." He spoke as he held you tighter.

"I promise."


"I didn't even notice it." Peter spoke honestly as you sat on the counter, dabbing his cheek with a piece of gauze. As he sat on the closed toilet, he did the same with your bleeding knee.

"How did it even happen? And these bruises on your arms!" You gasped, holding his arm up and looking closer.

No more lying. Peter thought.

"Honestly, I got hit by a car." He laughed as he spoke.

"What? Are you okay? Does your head hurt?" You asked, checking around his head and arms more.

He smiled softly and grabbed your hands gently.

"I'm okay, I promise. It was my fault anyway, someone was in the way of an incoming car and I moved them. It wasn't going that fast." He spoke.

You looked at him with a sad smile and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"You're a little hero." Your words made him smile. She still sees you as amazing. She sees your efforts, and sees them as you.

You bent down a little and kissed his forehead before returning to cleaning a cut on his cheek.

"I don't know what I would do with out you." He spoke softly.

"Crash and burn." You teased.

"Eh I'd crash either way. But with you, I never get the chance to burn."


Sorry for any errors, these acrylics are a pain in the ass. I tried to fix them all but I could have just made them worse. None the less, I love you all, thank you for reading!


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