Finale (Rewritten)

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(Completely rewritten on September 6, 2023)


"Y/n..." I started, not knowing what I could possibly say in this moment. Ned was beside me, not knowing what to do.

"You're..." She trailed off as she looked up at me.

"Spiderman." Ned spoke up as if he was helping.

"You knew?" She cried to Ned who frowned as we watched a tear fall down her cheek.


"Y/n please let me explain..." I interrupted Ned.

"What is there to explain?" She spoke so softly, it was almost a whisper. She moved her eyes back down to the suit in her hands and shook her head in disbelief. "The whole time?"

I was involuntarily holding my breath as my eyes guiltily stared at the ground beneath us. Her breathing was slowly speeding up as she began to think about the situation more, finally processing it all.

"All of those times you disappeared. All of the excuses you gave, the internship, the decathlon, all of that was bullshit?" She spoke articulately despite how hard she was crying.

"I wanted to tell you..." I barely choked out as I lost feeling in my body. What could I do now?

"But you didn't!" She sobbed.

"How could I?" I cried out and dropped to the ground in front of her. "How could I after finding out about your mom?"

Her hands suddenly curled into fists as she angrily bundled the suit in her grip. Her eyes snapped up to mine and I wasn't prepared for the intensity of her stare.

"Don't talk about my mom." She growled as a few more tears spilled over her cross face.

"I am so sorry for-"

"Shut up!" She yelled as she jumped up to her feet. She threw the suit onto the ground, covered her hands over her face and let out her grievances. Her cries were quickly becoming hoarse as she wept harshly.

"I'm so sorry," I stood up and tried to take her hands in my own but she ripped them away quickly and took a step back.

"Don't touch me!" She wailed and hugged herself tightly.

"I love you so much, please let me fix this. I'm begging you!" I cried out and looked to Ned for help. He looked just as stuck as I was and gave me a weak shrug.

"I don't know you anymore!" After she spoke, she coughed dryly for a few seconds. How did I forget she was still battling a sickness?

"Please, let's just get you back into bed and we can talk about thi-"

"No!" She screamed and held her, more than likely burning, throat. "I... I trusted you!"

"You can still trust me!" My voice was pleading but I knew it was useless. I wouldn't trust me either.

"You're full of shit." She laughed humorlessly and shook her head. "I need to get out of here." She shoved past me and walked out of my room.

"What? No, wait!" I pleaded and followed her out. Ned silently followed us to the living room and watched as I desperately tried to get her to stay. "Y/n please, I didn't want you to find out this way!"

"You didn't want me to find out at all!" She spun around on her heel and was face to face with me. "You are nothing to me but a liar." Her words were painfully numb as she almost literally spit them in my face. I watched in despair as she yanked on her shoes and ripped the door open.

"Don't fucking follow me, creep!"

As soon as she slammed the door, my senses went haywire. I felt the desire to run after her but what good would that do? She needed to collect her thoughts, she always did.

I turned to Ned, who was already staring at me with wide eyes, and collapsed to my knees. I sobbed heavily as I gave the ground a solid punch.

"What do I do, Ned?"


The street lights were weak as you ran down a variety of roads you had never been down. Your eyes kept glancing up at the rooftops, paranoid that he had followed you and was silently watching from above. He could be chasing you and you would be none the wiser. It was erie.

Tears fell down your cheeks as you were beginning to run out of breath, the sickness in your body weighing you down drastically. As you slowed down to a walk, you kept replaying his past lies.

"I got into an accident, I'm okay."

"I slept in, I'm sorry."

"I'll be there next time, I promise!"

All those things he said on a nearly daily basis. A bunch of lies. You trusted him with all your heart  even when he showed you time and time again that he had bigger priorities. How could you have been so naive?

You should have jumped when you felt a hand grab your upper arm, but you knew Peter would follow you.

"Peter I don't want to-" You cut yourself off as you turned around to see an unfamiliar man gripping you. Your body froze as he smiled wildly at you, his fingers slowly tightening as your heart pounded in your chest.

Your breathing sped up as you gained some sense and attempted to rip your arm away from him. As soon as you moved, he yanked you towards him, spinning your body around so your back was against his stomach.

You gasped as your body slammed into his, the lab coat he wore releasing a putrid and musty smell, as you hoarsely tried to cry out for help.

"No, no, no! I'm trying to help you!" He pleaded as his hands brought a dirty rag close to your mouth.

"Peter!" You managed to scream before the rag was roughly held against your mouth and nose. The stinging smell of chemicals pierced from your nose to your brain, you couldn't even focus on how hard he was pushing your nose in.

Your thoughts slowed down as your eyes began to feel heavier. You felt the desire to lay down as your legs felt like noodles, but you quickly lost feeling in your body completely. The man was careful with your body as he scooped it limply into his arms. He looked from left and right, checking for any witnesses, before backing into a dark metal door on the side of a building.

You heard the screeching of the door before it slammed closed, locking in your fate as you fell into a strange feeling slumber.


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