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She threw her head back in laughter as the two of us enjoyed a nice day out. The weather was cold, and flurries were beginning, making her outfits more adorable as the days went on. 

Her leggings and (Color of choice) sweater fit her body so perfectly, she was so perfect. Her hair was (your style of choice) (If you don't have hair you are wearing some cute ass mother fucking beanie) and it was just... perfect. 

I have no other words to describe her, I can't think of anything worthy enough. 

Her laugh was the happiest thing I'd ever heard, it made my heart flutter every time. Thus why I enjoyed making her laugh. 

"Are you okay?" She asked as her laughter subsided. I blinked, having been in a trance, and looked at her. "You were staring at me." She blushed through a smile. 

"You're just so breathtaking. It's like I never want to take my eyes off of you." I sighed, reaching across the table and holding her hand delicately. She blushed harder now and smiled down at the table, picking at her fruit cup as I ran my thumb over her knuckles. 

"What do you want to do today?" I asked her, cocking my head to the side like a puppy. 

"I kinda want to go home and just watch some movies, drink hot cocoa and sit under a warm blanket with you." She smiled. 

"Consider it done, and better." I winked at her. She looked at me curiously but stood up with me as I did. I guided her to the door and opened it for her, watching with pure adoration as she brushed her pointer finger over the door bells to make those pretty noises she loved so much. 

Once we were outside in the cold, I took her hand and twirled her around, the fluffy snowflakes placing themselves on her sweater perfectly. She giggled and spun around, and I just watched her. It was then, in that cliche, slow motion moment where I couldn't imagine a world with out her in it. 

As she stopped spinning, due to my hand no longer guiding her, she looked at me. Her cheeks and nose were rosy because of the cold, but she seemed un-bothered by it.

I pulled her against me, our cold bodies warming up as one, and kissed her softly. When I look at her for too long, I miss the taste of her lips against mine. I miss the touching, the need, the desire.  

Her soft, loving kiss is the antidote, but only for a short while. It could only last so long. 

She pulled away but wrapped her arms around my neck. Her eyes stayed closed as she smiled at me, relaxing and melting into my embrace. 

"Oh how I love you so." She spoke, as to which I agreed. 

"And I love you." 


I frowned as she shivered under the blanket, teeth chattering and lips a light shade of purple. 

The moment was so easily ruined when she had sneezed, and followed with a cough that made my own lungs burn. 

She had been spending so much time outside, at the grave, int he water, for walks, with me, it had all added up in her body and became a cold. 

She seemed happy, however, as I made (hot chocolate or tea) from the kitchen for us both, and her favorite movie played on the television. She didn't seem all too bothered. 

"Heyyy..." She whined as I entered the room and put the mug down in front of her. "How come you didn't get a cold? You were out almost as much as me!" 

"I'm always outside babe, I have a better immunity to it. But you, Punk." I ruffled her hair. "You barely got outside time with out me." She pouted but placed the mug to her lips and drank. She smiled and visibly relaxed for a moment before beginning to shiver again. 

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