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You found yourself giggling as Peter rushed around. You weren't sure what he was doing, but it made you feel joyous. Despite all the emotions crumbling inside of your heart, as Pete threw jackets and such out of the closet in search for a basket, you felt happy.

"I got it!" He held up the basket and looked at you, as if searching for pride. Your smile gave him that feeling.

"Do you need help?" You followed him into the kitchen.

"No no, you sit your butt down and relax." He teased you. You scoffed and got on your knees, picking up his mess. May would not be happy if she came home to see this mess. You heard cabinets and the fridge open and close repeatedly as he scrambled for foods.

This gesture came out of no where, but the two of you were far too happy to question it.

Perhaps the fact that this could be considered as a date kept you both on your feet.

"Okay." He popped his head out of the kitchen. "Ready." He stated rather than answered. You smiled at him and got up from the ground, watching him hold the basket with ease.

"I'm wearing sweatpants." You giggled, looking down at yourself and then to his jeans. He followed your gaze before putting the basket onto the ground and darting to his room.

No way he would find clothes that would fit you, or look good on you. He was a boy, after all.

Moments passed, only short ones, before his door opened back up and you looked at him. You couldn't help but smile and shake your head as he came out in similar pants as you.

"Me too." He laughed. He grabbed your hand and the basket, nearly yanking you out the door. You almost didn't get your slip ons on in time.

"Peter slow down!" You giggled as he pulled you out of the door and into the sun. "We look like idiots."

He stopped and furrowed his eyebrows, a tiny, kind smile on his face.

"You look beautiful." He scoffed out, looking straight into your eyes. Your smile fell, but not for a bad reason. He was so genuine when he complimented you, a blush creeped over your cheeks. You smiled again and looked at the ground.

"Thanks..." You kept smiling. Your eyes found the two hands grasping onto each other. He really meant it.

"Come on, we have a picnic to get too." He continued pulling you along.


He took you a ways away, neither one of you speaking as the sun warmed you both. You didn't recognize where you were until you heard what seemed to be a small river plunging into a bigger body of water.

He pulled you off the sidewalk and between an opening in the brush. As you two reached the other side, it was an open area, with a lake like pond at the farthest side. The sky was open above you, and the grass was soft and gentle.

It was like this place was man made to be a perfect spot.

You were almost in awe.

It was the same creak that was under the bridge in the cemetery.

"Fuck I forgot the blanket." Peter growled at himself as he set the basket down.

"Awe man. Now we have to sit on the dirty ground and ruin our fancy clothes." You looked at him angrily. He looked at you, thinking your anger was serious for a few seconds, before both of you giggled and sat onto the grass.

"It's so beautiful." You looked at the clouds.

"I know." Peter spoke. You were so fixated on the sky, you didn't see him looking at you as he spoke those words.

Flower Girl (Peter Parker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now