Open Book

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Explicit content. Contains mature content on abuse and suicide. Please read safely.


Your legs dangled off the side of the bridge, like usual, as you thought everything over. Every step you've ever taken, every choice you've ever made. You didn't want anything to stop you from having friends, but if you kept it all a secret, it wouldn't end well.

Secrets kill friendships, or at least that was what your mother told you when she found out you smoked. She didn't want your relationship to be ruined by secrets, so from there on out the two of you were so open.

You wanted that with Peter, you wanted to be incredibly open with each other. You wanted to tell him everything.

That didn't stop your fear however. What if he didn't want to deal with it? Then that wasn't a friendship you wanted. Do this for you, for your mom. You can do this...

"Hey!" Peter yelled suddenly, running up to you. He looked like he had been running the whole way.

"Hey..." You breathed out, watching him sit next to you.

"You scared the shit out of me." He scolded you. You looked down in shame.

"I'm sorry." You admitted, warmth spreading to your heart at his care.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you are safe." He answered. "So what's up? What's going on?"

"I've just been thinking."


"Everything. I want... I want us to be close. I want to be open about everything." You spoke. You probably sounded crazy with this sudden thought.

"Okay... what made you think of this?" He asked, looking at you sideways.

"You and Ned were... whispering all day. Leaving me out- I don't blame you. You guys have been friends for a while and I feel like we aren't close at all. But I want to be, yunno? I want that. Feeling like the oddball, it felt like I didn't belong. I don't wanna feel that. I wanna tell you everything. I want to be close to someone..."

"Oh... Y/n, Ned and I were just... talking about guy things. I figured you wouldn't wanna hear. Like, gross guy things. Like. Guy things." He stuttered out. You nodded and scrunched up your nose.

"I get it."

"I didn't mean to leave you out, I'm sorry." He gave you a sad look. Once again you nodded, understanding.

"That's the thing about me. I'm crazy clingy. I have good intentions though." You added.

"What happened to your elbow?" Peter asked you. You didn't want to lie to him, but you also didn't want him to know you were in danger.

"I just got knocked over." You shrugged. "I'm okay."

"What did you want to tell me- well everything but like, what specifically? I'm all ears." He smiled.

"Well." You took in a deep breath. "I've been homeschooled my whole life, as you know."

Peter nodded.

"My mom had always been my best friend, and my dad had always been... angry. They would fight, all the time, but they loved each other. Eventually, however, my dad got caught sleeping with another women. That kinda tore their relationship apart. They stayed together, for my sake. I was eleven when that happened, but my father began to hate me.

He started to tell me my mother only loved me. That it was my fault. I don't get why it would have been my fault but whatever. Eventually, when my mom was at work, he got physical. In his mind, I was the loved one, which was true.

I ended up trying to take my life, and then things just went down hill for good. I was on suicide watch for months. I started smoking, that's why I sold all of my things. Cash." You held out your pack of cigarettes.

He gasped and yanked them from you.

You would listen to his lecture later.

"My mom tried really hard," You began to tear up. "But she didn't know about the abuse. I didn't say anything. I was too afraid he would hurt her. I barely saw her anymore, they put me in online schooling so she could work more cause dad lost his job. He worked for the cleanup company for all the Avenger's messes. Tony Stark came along and took over, so he just got even more mad."

With every word you said, Peter looked more sad.

"Neighbors our age from my old street would see me and push me around and call my parents deadbeats. Once my mom passed away, my dad got a new job but his abuse stayed. I hate that man. Hate him so much.

I guess overall I just... I'm lost, Peter. I can't even see you and Ned together with out assuming you guys hate me too. And I'm so sorry." You had began a light cry now. You might have skipped over lots of things you wanted to say.

The ending got choppy because you didn't know why you were owning up to all of this.

What good would this do? You would chase him away!

"I'm sorry." You sighed.

He wrapped you in his arms very quickly and held you tight.

"Why would you apologize for any of that?" He asked, a surprised tone masking his voice.


"None of that is your fault. And your clingyness? Hush. You're so perfect to me. Nothing in your past will chase me away from you- I swear. I know who you are NOW. You are kind, and fun, and funny. You're so smart and your mind is so astounding. Your thoughts keep everyone on their feet, I love that about you. You have really well formed morals and a heart so sweet, they'd sell it in a candy store. I got your back, Kid. I always will." His words gave you great reassurance.

"I'm broken..." You whispered.

"Everyone has a broken side. Yours does NOT change how I see you. Why are you telling me all of this?" Peter asked, yet he didn't seem bothered. You noticed he seemed attached. He liked knowing everything.

"I crave a bond. I want you to know now, so that if you don't like these things about me, you can leave now rather than when I get more attached. My mother always said secrets kill friendships." You admitted.

Peter squirmed and looked down.

"I'm glad I know now. It really helps me figure you out a bit. But I swear, I'm gunna protect you." His words were amazing.

"You don't have to trouble yourse-"

"It isn't trouble. I adore protecting the people I love." You looked at him after his words. You swore you could nearly feel your eyes sparkle with happiness. He loved you?

Goosebumps covered your arms as a chilly breeze went by. You shivered, trying to hold it back, but Peter saw. He took off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders.

"Thank you." You smiled with appreciation. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and held you in a close hug, you resting your head against his chest. You watched the moon peak between the trees as the water rushed below you both.

He loved you...


Thank you all so much for reading, I know it isn't much to a lot of people but we got 600 reads, and that means the world to me!

I love you all so much!!!

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