Evil Lair?

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"Hey Ned, can I come in? Great thanks." I rushed out as soon as he opened his front door. As I spoke, I looked around to make sure no one was home.

"Oh hey, Pete! Long time no see." He spoke as he closed the door behind me.

"Mhmm yeah." I stated, rushing into his room. He followed me in cautiously, weirded out, but sat down at his desk beside me none the less.

I shook my backpack from off my one shoulder and placed it on the ground, pulling out the weapon I saved from the fight I had a few nights ago.

"What is that?" He asked as I put the heavy thing down on the wooden desk.

"I don't know. Some guy tried to vaporize me with it." I sighed as I began to pry at it with tools I brought from Uncle Ben's old storage unit.



"Awesome." I shot him a look. "I mean, not awesome. Totally uncool of that guy. So scary."

"Well, look, I think it's a power source." I stated as a metal plating flew off and exposed some wiring.

"Yeah, but it's connected to all these microprocessors. That's an inductive charging plate, that's what I use to charge my toothbrush." He pointed out.

"Whoever's making these weapons is combining alien tech with ours." I groaned, dreading whatever else was in store.

"That is literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said. I just want to thank you for letting me be part of your journey into this amazing-" He was interrupted as the thing popped and bursted out with a purple light.

"I gotta figure out what this is and who makes it."

"Let's do it." Ned agreed. With out looking at one another, we did our awkwardly long handshake that anyone wishes that could have.

"First, we put the glowy thing in the mass spectrometer." I stated.

"We gotta come up with a better name than 'glowy thingy.'" We both laughed.

"You're right."


"They're in Brooklyn. Staten Island. Leaving Jersey." Ned spoke from his bed. "They stopped."

"Maryland?" I asked, hanging down from the ceiling and looking at my tracker.

"What's there?" He asked, my mask on his face.

"I don't know... Evil lair?" I questioned and hopped down.

"They have a lair?" He ripped the mask from his face and looked at me with shocked eyes.

"A gang with alien guns, run by a guy with wings? Yeah." I scoffed and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Badass." He nodded along. "But how are you gonna get there if it's, like, 300 miles away?" We both started to think. As if at the same time, we both spotted his Decathalon poster on his wall.

"It's not too far from D.C." I shrugged.

"Think they will let you back?" Ned asked, handing me my mask back.

"Pfft, yeah!" I said with uncertainty.


I puffed my cheeks out as my converse scuffed against the sidewalk, the yellow bus in sight.

As I neared the group of people, I gave my best 'hey sorry can I join back?' smile as I looked at them all.

"Hey, it's Peter." Abraham pointed out first, causing them all to look at me.

"Guys." I nodded a hello.

"Peter?" Y/n spoke and walked up to me. I threw an arm around her shoulder and gave her a soft, genuine smile.

"Hey you." Spoke. "I was hoping I could rejoin the team."

"No, no way. You can't quit on us and stroll up to be welcomed back by everyone." Flash snarled. This was the first time Y/n or I have seen him since prom. I tensed up angrily at the memory, and Y/n curled more into my chest.

"Hey, welcome back!" The teacher walked out of the bus. "Flash, you're back to first alternate."

"What?!" Flashed yelled and stared with shock. I couldn't help the smirk on my face.

"He's taking your place." Abraham spoke again. Flash ripped off his blazer and chucked it at me before grumbling whatever under his voice.

"Excuse me, can we go already? I was hoping to get in some protesting in front of an embassy before dinner." Michelle popped out of no where. Ned glanced at me from behind Y/n and I knew he was thinking about the tracker.

"Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus."

We all quickly loaded on and Y/n took the window seat in the middle of the bus. I sat beside her and Ned sat behind us to keep a secret eye on the tracker. We had a few hour drive ahead of us, but Y/n was prepared and brought herself a blanket to nap with.

As soon as the bus moved, she instantly, curled up in the blanket and rested her head on my shoulder.

Not a few moments later, my phone buzzed in my pocket. She leaned up to let me get it, before putting her head back down and resting.

It was happy...

"Hello..." I spoke, knowing I would have to be careful in front of Y/n.

"Got a blip on my screen here. You left New York?" Happy asked into the phone. He sounded very busy, as Tony sold the tower and they were moving.

"Tracker." I scoffed and threw my head back.

"What?" Y/n asked and looked up at me.

"O-oh nothing, (your nickname), I'm just gunna take this call okay?" I smiled and stood up. She nodded but watched as Ned got up with me.

"The boy thing I was telling you about." I made up an excuse. She made an 'o' with her mouth before laying down on the seat. Ned and I got to the back of the bus and sat down.

"Yeah, it's just a school trip. It's nothing. Happy, I gotta say, tracking me without permission is a complete violation of privacy." I continued my conversation in my phone.

Ned furrowed his eyebrows and pointed to the tracker on my receiver.

"That's different." I whispered, shooing him away.

"What's different?" Happy got sketched.

"Nothing. Look, it's just the Academic Decathlon. It's no big deal."

"Hey, hey. I'll decide if it's no big deal." He took a long pause. "Sounds like no big deal, but remember, I'm watching you."

He hung up. I sighed and looked down.

"So you just lied to Iron Man's sidekick." Ned scolded me.

"Happy is NOT his sidekick." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He shrugged. "So, you and Y/n? Finally get that going?" He changed the subject.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"She still doesn't know about you?"

"No." I frowned.

"You know, if you keep lying to her, it's gunna get messy."

"Ned. I told you before, this would kill her. She can't know. I don't want to hurt her."

He gave me a slant face before nodding in understanding. Lying to Happy, Tony, May and Y/n? Not to mention using the good people in this club to get to bad guys...

Balancing all of this out was harder work than I thought it would be.


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