Legos and Unfortunates

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Ding Ding Ding

The first bell for the day rang as I sat in my history class. I was staring down at the notebook in front of me, doodles of a rose staining my memory as I poorly drew them on the blank paper. I didn't notice her until the teacher gathered everyone's attention.

"Good morning class." She spoke loudly. "We don't usually get new students this late in the year, but please welcome Y/n Y/l/n to our building." I made eye contact with her for a second before she looked down with furrowed eyebrows.

She moved to our school? Why this late?

"You may take a seat over there." Ms. Nelson gave Y/n a spot across the room. I stared her down as she slowly took a seat. She didn't have a notebook or a pencil or anything.

She didn't seem to care that she was now in the same school as I, or that she was in school at all. She seemed like such a peculiar girl.

Ms. Nelson went on with her teachings, and before I knew it, the class was over.

Like typical students, everyone rushed out at the bell, but Y/n waited for everyone to leave. I gathered my own things and stood up, waiting for her.

"What a coincidence." I gave her a gentle smile as we walked out together. "Welcome to Midtown."

She gave a single nod and a thin lined smile before peeling away into the group of people going to lockers and other classes. Did she dislike me?

Maybe all that prying gave her a terrible first impression. How was I supposed to know though?


By lunchtime, I had seen her a few other times through out the day. She always had the same look on her face, but it was hard to word. Distraught? Bored? I had no clue.

"And then my brother came in and accidentally stepped on it. Now we have to redo it." Ned sighed beside me.

"That's unfortunate." I spoke, not knowing what he was talking about. I was too busy watching her pass me, and sit alone at a table.

"Did you hear anything I said?" He asked, nudging me slightly.

"Have you met the new girl?" I changed the subject as I watched her take small bites of fruit from her tray.

"Y/n?" He asked, looking where I was. "Kinda, but she doesn't seem to like anyone." He spoke.

"I think we should go over there." I offered. Ned didn't say anything as I stood up, but followed me. Easy going Ned, also a great guy.

She didn't flinch or look at us as we sat across from her.

"Hey Y/n," I smiled.

"Hello," She replied.

"This is my friend, Ned." I introduced the two of them.

"Hello," She said again, looking at him.

"Why are you sitting alone? Haven't met anyone yet?" Ned spoke up.

"I've met you, I've met Peter." She said. For some reason I was happy she remembered my name.

"Yeah. We never get people so late in the year. Summer is almost here. Why'd you change schools?" Ned asked her.

"I was home schooled but, my mom couldn't do it much anymore." She replied. She held back any sadness, but I felt it for her. She never implied that her mother was dead.

"Oh, that sucks." Ned spoke.

Ned! Come on man!

She nodded and gave him a soft smile. A smile? Never seen that on her face before. I noticed little nicks on her left hand, I knew exactly what from. The rose.

The rest of lunch consisted of Ned telling me the story again, he knew I wasn't listening the first time. His brother stepped on our lego set, and we needed to rebuild it.

"After school today work?" He asked.

"Oh, sure." I answered, nodding along.

"Y/n," Ned spoke. "Do you want to come?"

"I actually have something to do after school today, but thank you." She replied. She had to visit her mother's grave.

"No problem." Ned spoke.

Ding Ding Ding

The bell to end lunch.


Hello, thank you for reading!

I would like you all to know that as I watched Spiderman for the 1672 time today, a spider ran across my laptop so I'm pretty sure I'm Spiderman

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