Some fluffy cuddling headcanons for Oikawa and Kuroo

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Anonymous Asked: good luck with the new blog!! Could I requests some fluffy cuddling headcanons for Oikawa and Kuroo? thank you!

Ahhhh I'm so excited! Thank you anon for being the first to help me start off this blog! Might I just add that I absolutely adore Kuroo <3 Though I apologize if these weren't what you were looking for! Please let me know! -Admin Satori

Kuroo Tetsurou:

This dork will be all over you while cuddling, like you have no option at all when it comes to cuddling with him.

Like if you're not wrapped in his arms, he'll be sure to have a hand on your stomach, or his arm under your head, or even his leg thrown across your hips

Basically, once you get into bed with this boy, he won't be letting you get up without a fight fight me cat boy

His favorite position while cuddling would be probably one where he can curl into or around you like the neko he is

His favorite cuddling position would be where he's the big spoon, but he'll lean his head on top of yours

The feeling of his nose nuzzling into your hair makes your whole being warm up

Especially when his arms tighten around you at the same time

It literally feels like he's pulling you into him more than just physically.·

Of course, he's a talker, though it won't be any serious topics unless it's an angsty moment or something

Usually he'll prompt you to talk about your day, and you'll only know he's still awake because he'll be playing with your fingers the whole while you're talking

But when it's his turn to talk about his day or how he's feeling, he'll turn to things he learned about that day or a pun Bokuto had sent him and so forth

"I'm out of chemistry puns, but I'm sure I'll zinc of a new one"

"... Why are you like this?"

"Awwww, but Kitten! You love my puns"

More cuddles and puns ensue after you sigh as a form of protest against his terrible puns You actually love these puns and the pun dealer himself so much

But you can't let him win.

Expect a LOT of little kisses along your neck and shoulder. This boy does not lack in the physical affection department at all.

Oikawa Tooru:

The grand king values you and volleyball above all else, so know that your cuddle sessions with him are as INTENSE as his volleyball matches are

He tends to get into the position where you're laying on your back and he has his head in your neck and half of his body is on top of yours. Think of him as a blanket

Cuddling with Oikawa is where he lets down all his walls and shows you the real him without any filters or defense mechanisms at hand

Although, he will still try to be cute with you

"__-chan~! Iwa-chan hit me again today!"

"Well, did you deserve it?"

"... I don't deserve any of Iwa-chan's abuse! I don't do anything wrong! __-chan why are you always taking Iwa-chan's side?"

He doesn't really mean it though. If it were a serious thing that bothered him, he wouldn't be adding the cute nicknames. That's when you know that you need to stop teasing him and listen to his issue.

He likes it when you nuzzle your face into the crown of his head, or into the side of his face, it gives him reassurance that no matter how into his head he gets, that you're still there next to him.

Cuddling time with him is either filled with his own talking about how Iwaizumi did this, or Kyoutani didn't listen that, or Mattsun and Makki teased him about this OR it's filled with quiet whispers of his fears of not ever being able to play volleyball again due to his knee or how really nervous he is the night before a match

There are no in between

Sometimes you even have to drag him to bed away from the computer so that he doesn't miss out on any sleep from watching videos of his opponents matches. He'll sometimes be stubborn enough to bring his phone to bed to watch from there

Though when he falls asleep with his head on your shoulder, you can't help but to whisper your encouragements to him that you couldn't get in while he spilled his soul to you earlier.

He actually pretends to fall asleep so he can hear you do such with no inhibitions on what he thinks.

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