Looking into the Mirror with Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: Can I have headcannon of Tsukki and his s/o who is very sarcastic, smart, sassy and can literally reply to all of his sarcastic comment?

Yo but this is literally me and Admin Terushima XD Anyway, Of course you can, anon! Thanks for asking! -Admin Satori <3

Tsukishima Kei: Sarcastic + Smart + Sassy + Quick witted S/O headcanons

When you first started dating him, he had no idea that you were as salty as he was. He just thought you were a quiet kind of person (he didn't know you were holding your tongue so as not to scare him off with your saltiness lmao)

But when you shot back at him after one of his taunts with your own, he was speechless for a good five minutes, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened to him. And when he did finally come to his senses, he figured it was a fevered dream or something since you didn't look like you'd said anything, you looked innocent af.

Then you taunted him again, without any provocation from him surprisingly, and he knew he was in love. And you knew it, too, so that just gave you more ammunition to tease him about being all 'gaga' over you like a little kid with their favorite blanket. (Seeing him blush is a privilege dammit)

Your rallies are legendary! Both in creativity and longevity. Like everyone would think that after class started that your teasing back and forth would cease, but nope! That's what cell phones are for! You guys just keep going back and forth with the teasing and insults and taunts and it really amazes everyone how intense these sessions can get.

The downside? Sometimes one of y'all will hit home. He'll say something that's considered below the belt and next thing you knew you're crying and upset and thinking about ignoring or leaving him. Or you'll hit one of his insecurities on the head and then playtime is OVER.

"Maybe if you'd stop being such a hindrance to everyone around you, you'd be able to make more friends and actually keep them, _____." Referring to if you're friends find your saltiness a bit much.

"Oh is that so, Kei? Well, maybe if you actually tried playing volleyball properly, you wouldn't be so absolutely terrified of being outshone by Hinata and ultimately being forgotten. How's that one for you?"

"....." Queue him getting up and leaving the room and ignoring you until he's ready to apologize for his own harsh words.

Although you both come back to each other after a few minutes of being in your upsetting truce to apologize and enjoy some no taunt/teasing cuddle time. (Neither of you actually ever say sorry though... It's just kind of an unspoken thing.)

And when you both team up? Like if Yamaguchi is getting bullied again? Oh man! Those kids are victims to your brutal attack! Like they have existential crises and literally never bother anyone ever again because you both just Tore. Them. Down.

Sometimes he'll just be your intimidating factor though. You'll go off on some poor classmate or even an upperclassman, and while you're a smart mouth you are not scary. So Tsukishima will usually be behind you and be giving your victims his usual shit eating grin or eyes of pity.

It's honestly such a relief for him to have found someone who is just as snarky and sarcastic and just plain mean like him sometimes. He was so worried that his attitude would make it so people would avoid him for the rest of his life, but when you sauntered in and treated him like his presence was merely an annoyance? Oh man, he HAD to have you.

There are some days where the one of you (it's you) are just too tired to put up a front or put on a show, and if the other isn't in the same mood and they notice that they're not into it, they'll tone it down and take it easy.

There are also some days where the both of you are just not into the whole teasing groove, and so those are usually the days were the fact that you're actually in a relationship with this bean pole comes out as the main thing to focus on. Those days are usually your cuddle days when the two of you let down your walls completely to each other and just enjoy the others company because honestly that's all this teasing is ever really about. (HUG THAT BOY DAMMIT! Please!)

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