Drabble #8 with Tsukishima Kei (& Kageyama Tobio)

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Anonymous asked: I really wanna see Tsukki say "How drunk was I?" I LOVE YOU <3

*looks around suspiciously before inserts one of my own weaknesses inside a request* I LOVE YOU, TOO, ANON!!! -Admin Satori <3

Tsukishima Kei: Drabble #28 "How drunk was I?"

The bright sun shone through the open blinds in the bedroom, someone having forgotten to close them before going to bed last night.

Thinking of last night, Tsukishima frowned into his pillow without opening his eyes, he couldn't remember a lot of what had happened. He remembered you dragging him to a club, where the rest of his old high school team mates had gathered for his big birthday that put him at the right age to consume alcohol, but after downing a few shots at your expense, everything was really blurry. The worst headache he's ever experienced was threatening to crack his skull open, and he knew better than to try to move too quickly to get the remedies.

"____." His voice croaked as he leaned back against the warm body behind him to get their attention, "Why did you let me drink so much?" He muttered, wincing when his own voice sent a painful shock throughout his entire head and he squeezed his eyes shut tighter.

You bit your bottom lip a bit roughly as you kneeled by the bed, "I'm sorry, Kei... You were just really cute when you made that sour face every time you took a shot..." You teased, feeling your nerves increase when his eyebrows furrowed at the direction of your voice. You were in front of him. Not behind him. He slowly opened one eye to see your blurry form, "Good morning, sleepy head." You smiled gently, "We had.... Quite a night last night.... I just want to warn you to not... freak out." You looked for the right words, reaching out and handing him his glasses as well as a cold cup of water with some advil to help with the headache.

He frowned and felt his body tense at your words, "Why would I freak out?" He asked sternly, feeling his body tense almost painfully when the body behind him moved so that they were sitting up and stretching their arms. Tsukishima's golden eyes stared at you intensely, "What happened, ____?" He asked, almost begging you to tell him what he knew he didn't want to hear.

Tsukishima wasn't a guy who was considered eccentric. He wasn't a guy who was considered impulsive. And he definitely wasn't the type of guy who shared his feelings or affections so willingly. He knew he must have been very VERY drunk if there was another warm body sharing his bed last night other than you, "How drunk was I, _____?" He asked before he turned his head slightly and almost groaned loudly when he caught sight of a very familiar head of raven hair.

If he was being honest with himself, he wanted to throw up.

"Get out of my bed, tyrant king." Tsukishima hissed almost angrily, glaring at the former setter over his shoulder.

You held your hands out, "Hey, relax, Kei... We're all in the same amount of disarray.... I just woke up first..." You reminded him, "Where's your bedside manners?" You huffed as you reached over your salty boyfriend and handed Kageyama a glass of water and some advil as well, "You don't have to leave, Tobio... It's my bed as well, and I want you to rest." You stated, giving Tsukishima a pointed stare when he opened his mouth to protest. You leaned back to sit on your calves and stared at the two boys. Kageyama completely confused on why he was there and why he was naked next to a naked Tsukishima, who was silently fuming at what he knew had happened between the three of you but had no memory to place with it.

You knew it was going to be a really REALLY long day. And you'd probably have to stop a few attempted murders between the two of them in order to have a proper conversation.

A/N: I am an absolute mess for KageTsukkiFems/o poly *drools*

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