Fluffy Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: ayyyy a new imagines blog :') may i have some fluffy tsukki headcanons please? good luck with the blog!!

Ayyyyy! A fellow Tsukishima lover :D I hate to say the most common phrase, but he's my salt husband <3 He's just... *sigh* He's perfect for me tbh. - Admin Satori <3

Tsukishima Kei: (My favorite asshole <3)

You KNOW this megane SOB is not gonna cuddle without an INTENSE teasing session at how needy and whiney you are. All in good fun though. You don't take it too seriously since you know that's just how he deflects any attaching emotion. (Just be in tune with your feelings already Tsukki~)

Although, you know when he wants to cuddle when he comes in from practice and his shoulders are just a little lower than when he left, and when you see the silent plea for comfort in his golden eyes

That's when you drag the tol bean pole into your shared room and just have a affection fest in your bed.

He's not really looking for kisses or talking during cuddle time (the silent type when he's feeling too vulnerable.) Although the kisses are always welcomed! But if he's not in a talking mood, and doesn't want you to be either, he'll just place his palm over your mouth if you start getting too carried away. (In the most loving of manners of course)

He'll never EVER admit it but his favorite position to cuddle is when your head is placed directly over his heart. So that you can hear what his salty mouth won't let him say out loud. In this position at least, you can hear when his heart beat picks up whenever you talk or when you play with his long fingers or when you press your face into his chest.

The only way you figured this was his favorite position was because it was the most common one used and even when you're both asleep, you somehow end up on his chest in a similar position.

Of course, when he's in the mood to talk while cuddling, it's usually teasing and shallow taunts.

"Oh, chibi-chan, your fingers are so much shorter than mine. How sad, you almost look deformed." (Yeah but you melt when those same "deformed" fingers run through your short hair you POS)

"S-shut up, Kei. Shhhhh. Go to sleep. You're cuter when you sleep and when you're not talking."

Commence his blush at you calling him cute and a following "Tch." To show that he didn't have a good enough comeback to you calling him cute.

He is precious when he falls asleep though. All his scowl and frown lines and his RBF disappears and all that's left is a vulnerable, pure, innocent face of a boy who's just too scared of his own feelings to let them to be known to you without a few teasing taunts (some of which are actually hurtful. But that's a whole new headcanon/scenario thing.)

Sometimes he'll catch you watching him sleep, and his embarrassed, speechless face is priceless! You help calling him cute again and again.

This of course stays in his head for the rest of the following day. And he just counts down the hours, minutes, seconds until he can get you back in bed with him for some more cuddling to let you know that he didn't mean a single sarcastic word to you that he might have said that day.

A/N: Tsukishima is my ultimate fav. There's no better character, but I do have some that reach super close to his pedestal I have placed him on in my head... So to see his character evolving with every episode and chapter in Haikyuu just makes me so over the moon (heh... get it?) and makes me love him even more T~T

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