Alien Enthusiast with Oikawa Tooru

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Anonymous asked: Oikawa with a s/o who's as enthusiastic about space as he is and also believes in aliens and them being dorks together 😘

Oikawa!!! My alien child! Lol I wanna say I believe, but I just don't know! Anything is possible I guess! I did these in headcanons btw! -Admin Satori <3

Oikawa Tooru: Alien Enthusiast s/o

His heart is G O N E.

The moment you started sharing your alien theories and conspiracy ideas on why they're not a public thing yet is the moment he handed over his heart to you

If you offer up a theory he hadn't thought of or a new look at something, he will actively go research it (with his cute dorky glasses) and come back with his thoughts and new ideas to your theory.

Stargazing dates are a ritual type of thing with you both. You've never missed a meteor shower or any cool moon anomalies, always tossing it up to the aliens using it as a way to get in touch with your world.

Going to Roswell, New Mexico is a goal for the both of you, as well as visiting Area 51, briefly, just to be near where the aliens possibly visited! (Have you been to Roswell? It's fucking wild bro)

If either of you have a dream about aliens, your first thing to do is call each other and tell all. No matter the time. It's never too late or early for alien dreams.

"And then, ______-chan, when the alien ship took me to the mothership, they were like really nice! They just viewed all my memories and were like gushing over how cute you were and how awesome I am at volleyball! I think I made best friends with my dream aliens!"

"Tooru~ You can't let them sweet talk you! They'll take you away from me forever to go play in their intergalactic volleyball tournament!"

"Don't worry, ____-chan~, I'll write letters and take pictures!"

"I won't be able to get those until I'm like 80, though, Tooru."

"Why can't you ever be happy for me, ____-chan? So cruel~."

Oikawa wants to become an astronaut to be able to reach out closer to the stars and planets above, wants to feel like he belongs in the vacuum of space where there's so much more to be explored! But he's really scared of getting lost in space, he doesn't want to lose contact with Earth or with you.

Actively follows and reblogs and retweets everything NASA talks about on every social media he has. If a new article is updated, he's immediately clicking the link and reading it no matter where he is (he gets in trouble all the time during class) Iwaizumi usually has to take away his phone during school and practice.

He once convinced you to start an alien enthusiast club at school. Not enough people joined for it to stay open sadly.

Takes you to an observatory on Valentine's day almost every year. It never gets old for either of you. (They're out there. Believe it.)

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