General Headcanons with Tendou Satori & Semi Eita

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milkboi-haikyuu asked: Since i don't want to spam you guys with oikawa, im gonna spam you guys with tendou instead, bcz ya know u luv him, satori senpai. Huehue~ tendou AND semi -salty mom- general hcs? (Im such a greedy writer, im writing a story about haikyuu again lmao)

I've decided to actually start working from the bottom of the inbox. I have no idea how long this has been here–it was here when I joined in December, so I'm sorry for the wait.

~~Admin Keiji



Satori is known to be a major troll. It's canon that he's told Semi he looks odd in casual clothes. But he doesn't; Semi is quite a normal dresser–Satori just likes messing with him.

His favorite manga at the moment is Tokyo Ghoul re:. Something about reading stories on actual monsters makes him feel less monstrous himself. Despite being a bit twisted and being called The Guess Monster, and loving that alias, he does not like people thinking of him as an actual monster.

An early riser. He likes getting up with the sun and taking his time to get ready in the morning: breakfast, coffee, and doing his hair. The latter of the three takes him a surprisingly long amount of time since it has to be just right

Early to bed, too. Lives by the motto "Early to bed, early to wise, makes a Tendou healthy, wealthy, and wise." And by the end of the day, he's just so sick of people being, well, people, and just needs to sleep away all his frustrations. (wow, good job projecting here, Keiji)

He generally doesn't find many girls he considers pretty–they're typically too fake and he doesn't like fake people. Also has a weird taste sometimes, thinking Sadako in The Ring is cute.

He goes after the girls with nice smiles. And the girls he sees doing things like water flowers or feeding a stray dog–girls who do selfless things for nothing in return.

One time, he saw one of the nerdy kids being harassed for money on his way to the convenience store. Instead of walking by, he put on his best intimidating face and scared away all the bullies. He's now friends with the nerdy kid and they're always texting about manga.

Once had a crush on Wakatoshi, and still kind of does. No one blames him, though. Everyone's into Wakatoshi.

Give *clap* this *clap* boy *clap* sweets *clap* Especially chocolate, specifically chocolate ice cream–it's his favorite food. He tries not to eat too many sweets, though, or else it'll be harder for him to play volleyball well.

When Shiratorizawa lost to Karasuno, he cried all night and the only one who knows about it was Wakatoshi, his best friend.


Eita's casual dress used to be very normal, stylish even. Then Tendou made a comment on how he looks odd in normal clothes. Ever since then, his outfits have gotten increasingly weirder, all in attempts to make Tendou eat his words.

Has an affinity for cute foods. Tekka maki being his favorite food, he likes foods that are small, simple, and cute. Cuts his apples into little bunnies and makes pandas with his rice and nori when no one is around

Also secretly loves anime, but would never admit it, especially not to Tendou. His favorite he's seen so far is . But he generally will watch anything. Actually cried during the Nina incident in FMA: Brotherhood

He pretends to not like Shirabu, considering the younger boy took his place as a regular, but he's actually proud of his underclassman.

The Mom Friend™. Will double, triple-check everyone's bags before they go to competitions or training camps, or anywhere, really.

He likes pretty girls. He likes girls who wear makeup and dress nice, but he doesn't like snotty girls–girls who know they're pretty and use that to get their way.

If he meets a girl he likes, he'll ask them for notes or for any little favor because he's learned that people like you more after they do a favor for you. Their mind rationalizes that they wouldn't have done that favor if they didn't like him.

Also had a crush on Wakatoshi, though it wasn't as big as Tendou's. It did cause him to have a slight existential crisis before he realizes that Wakatoshi is just an anomaly that everyone will have a crush on.

Actually a klutz. If he's not on the court, he's bumping into things or tripping over nothing. He has given his roommate a near heart attack no less than seventeen times when he falls out of bed in the middle of the night.

When they lost to Karasuno, he secretly held contempt for Shirabu, thinking he could've led the team to victory. He later realized that Shirabu did his best and was proud of him.

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