Lost Kitten with Kyoutani Kentarou

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Anonymous asked: Could I get some cute headcanons on Kyoutani finding a lost teeny tiny black kitten that he takes home one night and it gets attached to him?

Oh boy can you! I'm a sucker for the badass dudes getting all heart eyes and shit over small animals. That's my aesthetic. Alright here you go! Some of my personal hc's! -Admin Terushima ;P


HC#1: One of his favorite shows of all time is Sabrina the Teenage Witch When he was a little kid he knew a foreign student from America who loved the show and she introduced him to it. He didn't really like the girl at first with her limited Japanese vocabulary and her overeager and super optimistic attitude but he eventually warmed up to her and they bonded over Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The idea of having a talking black cat was insane to Kyoutani but he also thought it was the coolest thing ever. She eventually left but she left him her black cat plush she had brought with her. (He still has it)

HC#2: He identifies with cats, probably thinks a cat is his spirit animal Kyoutani has always been quiet with a mean RBF so it's no surprise that he he would lowkey identify with cats with their better than you attitude and their ability to roam around freely especially in the streets near where he lived. Kyoutani always thought cats possessed a kind of freedom that he could never attain. They were free of attachments and he envied them that.

HC#3: When he sees the little black kitten he just kind of stares at it waiting for it to run away from him But the kitten doesn't instead it ambles over to him and starts meowing butting its little head against his leg. At first he looked around to see if the owner was around but after a few minutes of the cat einding itself through his legs and meowing he figures there's no one there for it. So he kneels down and looks at it and actually talks to it, "Do you want to come with me?" It's not like he expected anythnig much but the cat looked like a distant memory from his childhood. The cat looks up at him and cocks its head to the side and then meows and jumps into his arms. (Kyoutani is in love, but he won't ever admit it) "Alright asshole let's go," he mutter instead trying to fight down the pleased blush that threatens to take over his face.

HC#4: Like the fucking nerd he is, he names it Salem Salem is an active kitten, and seemingly pretty outspoken Kyoutani thinks its stupid but the cat seems to understand and respond to him when he talk to it. (Of course he talks to it the fucking nerd lord) Kyoutani sometimes curses the kitten out when it digs its claws into the furniture and it will jump up on the couch to be taller and hiss in his face. Kyoutani thinks its hilarious and he just can't seem to stay mad at it.

HC#5: Salem is jealous of the black cat plush in Kyoutani's room

HC#6: Kyoutani may or may not have several (hundred) pictures and videos of Salem on his phone He's a sucker for the cat.

A/N:Well I hope you enjoy my headcanons for Kyoutani and his little kitten, dude these are just totally what I imagine would happen he's a big softie at heart. Not as big as Asahi but still a softie. :D

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