You're So Hardcore with Azumane Asahi

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Anonymous asked: Headcanons on Asahi with a hardcore, physically/mentally strong girlfriend(complete opposite of him) who's really nice but doesn't take shit from anyone and has motorcycles and motorbikes and leather jackets and stuff? But she's a blushing mess and big softy when it comes to Asahi and is really good at helping him with his anxiety and insecurities?

Asahi my precious glass hearted baby T~T I'm so sorry for the pain I'm putting him through in my Holiday Trifecta Angst T~T He deserves so much better than me *sobs forever* Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Azumane Asahi:

Honestly, he feels so protected whenever the two of you go out somewhere, and it takes a load off his anxiety!

BUT when people start to give you weird looks because of your attire, he'll force himself to somehow get their attention off of you and back onto him. (Usually he just doesn't look away from them until they do). He reminds himself he needs to ask Tanaka about the art of intimidation.

No matter how long you've been dating, he still doesn't feel like he can keep up with your quick pace in life! He feels like his tendency to avoid confrontation or arguments or even danger is somehow becoming an obstacle in your life.

(Please don't give him a heart attack) PLEASE DON'T GIVE HIM A HEART ATTACK with your motorcycles and crazy vehicles! He's very adamant about putting your helmet on you himself before you ever drive off back home from his house or from an out of prefecture game of his.

It's just a fact of life that your smart mouth and 'don't give a damn' attitude gives him anxiety attack because he's afraid that you're putting a target on your back from those people you've talked to.

But when you explain and assure him that you're not in danger, and you help him relax, he really appreciates how different you are from him and how you're practically unafraid of anything and that you have so much extra strength to spare that you help him with his own issues.

"Asahi, I brought an extra helmet! Do you want me to drive you to the game instead of you being stuffed in the van?"

"_____, that's dangerous! It's all the way in Tokyo.... N-no, t-thank you! Please sit next to me in the van!"

"Ah, Asahi, I'm going to get you on the back of this bike one day!" (He prays you forget about that goal.)

When you get ultra blushy and soft, He gets ULTRA blushy and soft, and it's just an endless cycle between the two of you!

He really likes when he can get you flustered while he's less blushy than you, he likes to watch you become a practical puddle of goop at his affection and sweet words, but he can take it just as easily as he dishes it out! He's G O N E when you give him all your affection. He'll probably have a few short circuiting moments at some point

Daichi and Suga were sort of worried about the two of you being ultra opposites from each other, but their concerns were misplaced. You brought out his courage while he brought out your soft side. It was a good mix, a win win situation when the two of you started dating!

Having you be so rowdy out in public makes you the loudest on the Karasuno 'cheering' squad, and your cheers and hollers give Asahi all the strength he needs to break through any looming wall!

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