Drabble #3 with Kageyama Tobio

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Anonymous asked: 40 with kageyama?

Drabble #40: "The kids, they ambushed me." Omg... Everyone.... Buckle your seatbelts! Domestic! KAGEYAMA! INCOMING!!!!!!! Thanks for requesting!!!! -Admin Satori <3

Kageyama Tobio: Drabble #40 "The kids, they ambushed me."

Washing dishes wasn't exactly you're favorite thing to do, but your husband had promised you that he would wash and fold the laundry later that evening. You figured your job was easier and took the offer almost as soon as it left his lips. So, now, here you were, finishing up your quick chore while staring out the window in front of the sink that gave the view of your front yard. You couldn't help the warm spreading throughout your body as you watched your husband, Kageyama Tobio, rolling a big ball of snow into place on the front lawn, your two children helping him make the snowball larger for the base of the snowman.

You noticed when the two raven haired kids glanced off to the right, their eyes lighting up with mischievousness before saying something to Kageyama, who looked like he nodded in agreement before he got back to work on gathering more snow for the middle portion of the snowmen.

The sight of wild orange in the corner of the window caught your eye and you bit your lip to keep from smiling as Hinata and your two children snuck up on Kageyama, who was laser focused on getting the proportion of the snowman just right. You sighed as you shook your head, "Tobio... They're sneaking up on you...." You hummed to yourself as you finished your chore and leaned against the sink, wanting to see this mess unravel. You already knew the ending of this prank.

Suddenly, balls of white were pelted against your husbands black jacket, leaving some remnants of ice as shows of impact. Kageyama yelled and took cover behind the snowman, but one of your children had flanked that side when you had went to pull the cookies from the oven, so now he was being attacked from both sides by his own children and his school rival turned best friend turned his kids' uncle.

You laughed to yourself as Kageyama emerged from behind the snowman, running after Hinata to likely strangle him while your two children took that as their queue to run into the house, hastily taking off their snow boots before rushing for a place to hide.

"Mama! Mama!" They yelled, running to hide behind your legs when their usual hiding places were revealed to be used as storage for the time being. Hinata came barreling into the house then, laughing hysterically as he held back Kageyama's swings as he took off his shoes before scrambling away from him.

"Tobio." You called with a small smile, pushing the small children further behind you when his blue eyes zeroed in on their small flushed faces, "Baby, what happened?" You asked, trying your best to not laugh at his own red nose and cheeks, he looked like he'd been in a paintball war with how much of his black coat was covered in snow.

"The kids, and Hinata, they ambushed me!" He grumbled as he made his way over to you, making your two children giggle and hide further behind you, taking the moment you wrapped your arms around their father's neck to escape and hide wherever it was their uncle had gotten to.

A/N: I was going to give the little kids names and everything... but I figured that it's weird to name other people's kids, yeah? lmao I hope you liked it!

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