Domestic Headcanons with Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: because im super tsukki trash, domestic tsukki headcanons pleeeaaasee :>

Tsukki trash UNITE!! And in sad news, I'm out of Mike and Ike's :((((

~~Admin Keiji


Tsukishima domestic HCs:

One of Kei's biggest pet peeves are dishes left in the sink for more than a day. So every night, you two will stand at the sink and do dishes together. He insists on being the washer because drying is too bothersome to him. It's a nice way to guarantee you spend at least a little time together everyday.

You didn't grow up in a household that announces arrivals and departures at the door, so it's weird for you at first when Kei always said "I'm leaving!" or "I'm home!" You slowly got used to it, and you're not sure if you could go back to never announcing yourself

Pillow forts are actually a thing. Even though you're both adults, you channel the inner child within on Saturday movie nights.

Kei insists on sleeping on the left side of the bed, but you like to sleep closer to the door. Because of this, you had to rearrange the entire room once you two realized the left was near the door.

Never let that boy paint a wall a new color. The first (and only) time you let him try, he painted the baseboards an awful green. Thankfully, you caught it in time. There's now a couch in front of it.

You go every other week with making dinner. You liked to make more traditional Japanese foods, but Kei was better at cooking western food> Switching who cooks puts a nice balance in your diet.

Speaking of diet, you are 100% content with buying convenience store bento everyday. When Kei found out, he was appalled. Now all the ladies at work have asked you at least once about how to make such a wonderful bento for their boyfriends. They're in shock when you say that Kei made it!

Kei is a super cuddler, contrary to appearance. He has a hard time falling asleep if he's not wrapped around you. He also hates getting up in the morning when he has to leave the warmth of you and the bed.

You decide to get a pet together, but neither of you are confident enough to get a high maintenance animal, so you get a turtle. He names it Archelon, after the prehistoric turtle. You call him Archie. Kei pretends he hates the nickname, but he secretly thinks it's really cute. 

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