Drabble #5 with Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: "here, take my blanket" with tsukki and fem s/o pls?

Ahhhh~ Tsudere Tsukki! My Salt husband <3 This is actually a little shorter than I normally write, but I hope you like it! Thanks for requesting!! -Admin Satori <3

Tsukishima Kei: Drabble #64 "Here, take my blanket"

Being sick was never fun. Ever. Getting someone else sick was even worse. Getting your boyfriend sick? You couldn't choose between feeling proud or upset over the fact. Currently, the two of you were sitting on the floor of your living room, using the back of the couch as a rest, watching the TV as the next episode of your favorite show was loading on Netflix.

The room was unnaturally cold. Freezing you completely to your spot next to your blanket swaddled boyfriend. You'd declined his offer to get you a blanket as well, but now you were seriously regretting your decision. Who kept their house this cold in the middle of December?? Now it was a matter of pride that was keeping you from asking for a blanket, knowing Tsukishima would only tease you for not taking up his offer earlier when he was still up and moving around.

Glancing over to the side of you, your heart fluttered at the sight of Tsukishima struggling to keep his eyes opened and watching the show, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose ever so slightly, his mouth slightly opened so he could breathe since his nose was so incredibly stuffy. If it weren't for the fact that this look was detrimental to his health, you would have wished to see him this vulnerable all the time. Although, you didn't have much time to fawn over your incredibly cute boyfriend before a shiver ripped through your body, chilling you to your core, making you lean your head back on the couch cushion before ever so slightly leaning into the blanket wrapped around Tsukishima.

"Are you alright, ____?" His croaky voice asked, making you jump slightly and internally curse. You knew he'd seen your reaction. He'd seen how you'd practically balled yourself up to maintain your body's temperature, and how you were now leaning into him to get some kind of warmth.

Of course, you couldn't just admit it though. He'd be too smug about it! "Yeah, I'm fine, Kei. What about you? Do you need more medicine? More tissues?" You asked, reaching your hand up to place over his forehead, feeling a terrible sense of relief fill you when the temperature of his skin warmed yours. Terrible since his feverish skin was not healthy, but it just felt so good against yours.

He didn't say anything in response, instead pulling his head away from your touch, his cheeks turning a bit more flushed from your worrying over him. He shook his head to himself at just how stubborn you were. He was sure you could be on death's door and you'd play it off. Letting out a sigh, he stood up from the floor, taking his blanket off from around his shoulders and draping it around you, kneeling enough so that he was able to bundle you in the warm fabric, "Here, take my blanket. I want my other one anyways." He muttered before he got back to his feet and made his way up to his room to grab his other blanket.

You bit your bottom lip and smiled to yourself as you burrowed into the blanket, feeling how warm it was from his feverish skin previously being wrapped in it. You couldn't even restrain yourself for inhaling deeply, feeling yourself becoming warm from the inside out at the smell of him overwhelming your senses, but you made sure to act completely normal when you heard his footsteps on his stairs coming back down. Turning your head to look at him, you couldn't help but laugh quietly, "Your long neck dinosaur blanket?" You asked, feeling almost jealous that he hadn't offered that one to you originally. It was his favorite of any of his blankets.

"Excuse you, ____-chan. There's not a dinosaur named 'long neck'. This is a brachiosaurus." He corrected with a hint of insult that you didn't already know that information with how many times you'd seen his blanket.

You held up your hands in surrender, "You're right. Sorry." You giggled, only feeling your smile widen when he sat back down next to you and wrapped his arms around you, his blanket wrapped around the both of you. You knew he was worried about you getting sicker due to your low body temperature. Your tsudere boyfriend would never admit to it though.

"Such a hassle." He teased fondly, moving to take off his glasses so they didn't fall off when he ultimately fell asleep with you just a few moments later.  

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