Yuri!!! On Ice with Yamaguchi Tadashi

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Anonymous asked: Hi there! ★彡 Could I request some hcs of Yamaguchi with an s/o who ice skates and is actually really good, even though they don't think so? Thanks!

Jeez! Yuri!!! On Ice is really taking off with everyone huh? Lol I've never actually ice skated before, but I've seen others.... So.... I hope this works? Thanks for requesting!!! -Admin Satori <3

Yamaguchi Tadashi: Ice Skater S/O Headcanons

Your first date was at an ice rink. No question about it! You were just so excited to show him your moves and share a piece of your life with him! He didn't complain because he was pretty good at ice skating too and wanted to share his own moves with you (He fell like 5 times within the first 10 minutes lmao)

When you were doing amazing dance moves (when he was hanging onto the wall for support) he couldn't take his eyes off of you. He just couldn't help feel amazed at how godlike your flow was between each twist and jump and lap around the ice rink.

Will compliment you endlessly once you made your way back to him.

"Oh my god, _____! T-that was amazing.... Why didn't you tell me you could ice skate so well?"

".... I didn't want to get your hopes up when I ultimately failed and fell....."

"Get my hopes up? Y-You wanted t-to impress me?" He will blush the rest of the date and you can't help but feel better about your skating skills.

He will try to convince you to enroll yourself on a team or get a manager so that you can be recognized for your talent! He won't push it though if he notices that you're really against the idea.

But if you kind of do want to compete, he'll go from being 'Tsukishima's #1 Fangirl' to YOUR '#1 fangirl'.

Will write on all his calendars at home when your competitions are and when your practices are, and he'll meet with your coach and your sponsors and go on and on and on about how amazing you are on and off the rink.

He will literally force himself to be more social so that he can properly talk to these people about you!

If you don't want to pursue a career in ice skating, he'll completely understand and will attend the ice rink with you every single time you do so that he can enjoy seeing you express yourself in such a beautiful way.

Will be a blushing mess if you help him up off the ice once he's fallen (for the 20th time) and will only laugh with you after the initial embarrassment.

If he's really wobbly, he'll hold on tight to your hand so that he knows you're there with him. But WILL let go of your hand if he notices that he's going down no matter what. He doesn't want to bring you down with him since you might get hurt.

You can bet your ass he'll tell Tsukishima all about the amazing date with you on the ice (whether the middle blocker gives a damn or not!)

Every time after your first date, he'll always think back to the way you twirled whenever he passes a frozen over lake or stream once winter really hits in Japan.

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