Kouhai Headcanons with Oikawa Tooru

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Anonymous asked: Oikawa headcanons with his quiet but actually a very big teaser kouhai? Who is very good at cooking and baking. (I agree with admin satori, we all need bokuto in our lives. I really want him to be my roommate rn omg)

Ayyyyy! I want a Bokuto 24/7 tbh most of the time for more sinful things than being my roommate.... He's just too precious T~T I hope you like what I cooked up for you! Oikawa is just so theatrical and I love it... I took this as the Kouhai only being a Kouhai and not his s/o... If that's not what you mean, please let me know! Thanks for requesting!! -Admin Satori <3

Oikawa Tooru: Teasing + Cook/Baker Kouhai Headcanons

The moment you came to him with cookies or a bento box and explained that he was your favorite senpai, he vowed to take care of you as if you were his own child.

When you tease him for the first time? Iwaizumi feels like he's found a new best friend and can't help but to dote on you as hard as Oikawa. Much to Oikawa's dismay.

Thankfully, Oikawa is used to being teased, so when you join in on the fun that the third years have with him, it's like you've joined a family really, he's not too bothered by it truthfully. But he does complain about it outwardly just to keep up his cutesy act.

"____-chan~! You're so cruel! You only ever take Iwa-chan's side!"

"Maybe that's because he's right?"

*gasp* "So mean, _____-chan~!"

Feels like you're the little sibling he's always wanted tbh. Is absolutely invested in your life like an older brother and makes sure that you're taken care of and that you're doing what you need to succeed. (Even if you tease him about being such a worrywart.)

If his fangirls start to have issues with you, he's right there to protect you from them. Usually he'll just lead you away from them without a word or he'll say something so that you don't have to. He understands that you were only comfortable teasing him and it makes him feel really special that he can be your voice when it's needed.

When you show up the first time without any baked goods or food for him to try, he'll literally whine and whine and whine until you make up for it. Even when you're out of earshot of his whining, he will text you. Over and over and over again about how cruel you are. (While at the same time you're getting similar texts from Matsukawa and Hanamaki) and it doesn't stop. Ever.

Is actually a very affectionate senpai. Like he has no problem slinging his arms around your shoulders and leaning on you, all the while talking about how amazing he is at volleyball and that you should be so damn lucky to have him as a senpai because he could choose anyone he wanted (Even though you're the one who chose him as a senpai....???? Lmao)

Will not show the hurt if your teasing goes to far. He's really good at hiding his true feelings, so he'll act like the teasing is completely okay, even if you hit one of his insecurities over and over and over again. You won't even notice until the next day when his smile isn't as bright or his laughter isn't as loud or he somehow always finds a way to get away from you before you get to close to him.

Of course, when that does happen, baking him a cake as an apology or making him a lunch bento or even just coming up to him and apologizing will make him forgive you immediately. Though that doesn't stop him from pointing out that your teasing gets crueler and crueler every time or that you should bake him something to make up for every single taunt you've ever thrown his way.

So then you're faced with either baking until your hands fall off or having to deal with his constant whining. (Shove a damn cake in his pretty face plz.)

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