Fluffy Headcanons with Oikawa Tooru & Kuroo Tetsurou

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haikyuu-attic (https://haikyuu-attic.tumblr.com/) asked: Heyo !! Could I request some fluff headcanons for both Oikawa and Kuroo ?? Keep up the fabulous work !! <3

Yaho~! Of course you can!! Thanks so much for supporting us! :D It really means a lot!! -Admin Satori <3

Oikawa Tooru: Fluffy Headcanons

Always the showboat, as soon as the two of you started dating, he was flaunting you all around school and the gym and literally everywhere he went where he knew people. Flaunting in a good way though, like he'll brag about what awards or scores you've gotten in school or any hobbies that warrants recognition.

Expect him to always have a hand on you. All the time. You're his sanity. Usually it's his arm around your waist when you're standing around (while he entertains his fan group) but when the both of you are sitting, he usually holds your hand in his with his left hand while his right arm is around your shoulders, or vice versa.

None of his fans DARE to disrespect you. Not even the most ballsy of the group! And she picks on everybody! They learned from day one when he introduced you to them that you were off limits. (He threatened them with him completely ignoring them if they did or said anything to you)

When it's the weekend and he gets up to make himself pretty, you literally pull him back to bed and just marvel over his natural prettiness without all the hair product and facial creams and whatnot. He's not bad looking at all, and you forget that he doesn't put on this show for others.

"_____-chan~ I have to go to the bathroom! At least one of us has to be presentable and pretty for the day."

"Tooru, it's 6AM. Just come back and go to sleep with me." Sometimes that works and he'll go back and cuddle with you without much more whining.

When you do lose that argument though, he comes back out of the bathroom smelling of hair sprays and facial products and you don't know if you want to groan in exasperation or marvel at his beauty. Most of the time, when he climbs back into bed, you run your fingers through his soft hair and mess it up. (He really likes it) He complains about it for the rest of the day.

Megane Oikawa is life is one of your weaknesses. It's not everyday he ditches his contacts to wear his completely out of style glasses, but when he does, you can't help but feel blessed. There's an air of softness when he wears his glasses, and you know when you see him walk out of the bathroom with them on that it's cuddle time for the whole day.

The day after a won tournament are something you look forward to. He's always super tired and sore and needy after those games, so when you get up to make breakfast, he's usually right there behind you. When you start making the food, he'll just lay his body over yours and force you to hold at least half of his weight in dead muscle. (Sign me the fuck up, bro)

If you can cook, he'll be so thrilled, because so can he :D He loves when the two of you can get into the kitchen and make something so absolutely delectable that it would bring tears to Iwaizumi's eyes. And if you can't cook? That's fine! He'll treat you to anything you like as long as you pay him back in kisses.

He whines A. Lot. About anything. And it was cute and funny for the first couple of months, but now it's gotten to the point in the relationship where you have to kiss him, and kiss him hard, for him to shut up about why Iwa-chan is so incredibly mean. (It's because he has to deal with this nutcase all the damn time lmao)

Kuroo Tetsurou: Fluffy Headcanons

This boy honestly gets the chills every time you drawl out his first name. Like he can't help it. It's just something that really sits with him and makes him absolutely crazy about you. But he feels a little self conscious when he tries to do the same for your name.

Although he completely hates how his hair doesn't know when to chill, he loves, and goes weak, when you run your fingers through it. If your close enough to him when you two start to bicker, just run your fingers through his hair and He. Will. Melt. He's gone. He'll let you win that time but swear that you weren't going to get off so easily the next time.

He's not really a jealous type. I mean, he is, but it's not as obvious as it would be on Bokuto, but it's more obvious than Kenma's jealousy. He's the type that won't take offense to someone sparking an interest in you, since he knows you're just an absolutely amazing person. But he will make it obvious to others that you're off the market.

His eyes are always on you. Even when he's looking at something else or in the middle of a match or focusing on a test. He's always looking out for you out of the corner of his eye and making sure you're doing alright. Will also keep his eye out for any thing you do that he could tease you with later.

The slyest of sly. He's super sneaky and will creep up on you at any given moment. (That bastard.) It's not too bad where you're sure you're going to have a heart attack every single time, but it's little things like wrapping his arms around your middle when you're in the kitchen or speaking when it'd been absolutely quiet and you thought you were completely alone in the room. (Your fear fuels him.)

Is the last one to fall asleep. He'll usually pretend he's fallen asleep so that then you can close your eyes and dream, but once he's sure that you're no longer awake he'll watch you sleep until he can't anymore. He just feels like during the night there's no walls for either of you to put up, and he feels like he can't really witness that when you're awake because he knows everyone has a mask. Even if you really truly believe you don't.

While he's the last to fall asleep, you're the first to wake up. Since he stayed up so late to watch you sleep, you woke up rested to see him sleeping in. Sometimes he has his face buried in the pillows, and sometimes he's facing you completely. You take this chance to just quietly enjoy his presence, even if it is filled with snores and quiet mumbling. (His dreams are fucking weird, you realize.) And you can't help but wake him up with kisses and fingers through his hair.

"Tetsu~, time to wake up. You can't skip out on practice."

*groans* "Kenma can take care of it...."

"Babe, the last time you said that, Kenma left after 5 minutes. Yamamoto was in charge, and Yaku almost murdered Lev for missing every toss."

Needless to say, he never misses practice. Not with you reminding him of that mistake every single time. He has a grudge against his team now since he can't enjoy playing hookie with you without worrying. (Will make up for lost cuddles with after practice/game sexy time ;D)

A/N: I feel like Kuroo's was significantly less fluffy than Oikawa. Whoops! 

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