Kouhai Scenario Headcanons with Oikawa Tooru

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Anonymous asked: Oikawa hcs, he decides to look out for his kouhai (who he have tiny feeling for) and look into her house window and see her dancing with shorts and big tank top with no bra on, bcz she lives alone? (This doesnt sound like hcs, sorry .-. )

Don't be sorry! I tried to make these into scenario type headcanons, so that's why there aren't that many... If you would rather I go one way or the other, please let me know and I'll give it another try! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Oikawa Tooru: Scenario Headcanons

You had left your umbrella at the school. That's why he was at your house in the first place. That and he really wanted to see you again. (You just saw her a few hours ago nerd.) So after asking the first and second years for info, he'd found out where you lived and had made his way over to return your forgotten item.

He'd knocked on your door a few times, rang the doorbell even more times, but nobody answered. It kind of irked him. You had no excuse to leave him out in the cold like this as far as he was concerned. He'd learned from the underclassmen that you lived on your own, something he thought was really cool for someone so young.

Took it upon himself to climb on your roof (somehow) and approach the second floor window to see if maybe he could just open the window and put the umbrella down before leaving a note on your door and going back home.

Stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you though. Music blaring so loud it was vibrating the window, you wearing a size too big tank top, with no bra he couldn't help but notice, and booty shorts that showed so much of your soft skin, and how you danced around and sang to the song didn't help.

He was sure he'd never blushed so hard in his life. His heart was about to burst out of his chest at how cute you looked and how embarrassed he was from seeing something he knew he wasn't supposed to.

But he wouldn't be Oikawa without making an ass out of himself, so he lightly knocked on the window to get your attention, and almost got a nosebleed from the way you turned so quickly with wide eyes to see your beloved senpai at your window.

He fell a little harder for you at how quickly you turned down the music and opened the window for him to come in. He knew he was going to be completely taken with you by the end of the night when you kept thanking him for returning one of your good umbrella's.

"I don't want your thanks, _____-chan.... How about a dance instead?" he'd hold his hand out for yours and everything, making him look like even more the princely type.

(How could you turn him down???) Dancing around in your bedroom with your senpai felt surreal, but the feel of his hands leading you to sway around with him was something you'd remember the next day when you'd see him surrounded by his fangirls but his pretty brown eyes only focused on you.

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