Drabble Request #1 with Bokuto Koutarou

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Anonymous asked: 26 and 9 for bokuto? (Im sorry i luv him way too much. ;o;)

LOL not gonna lie I saw this and thought it was just too fricking funny! Okay so take this short little drabble! Enjoy Anon! -Admin Terushima ;P

Bokuto Koutarou:

You're laying in your bed listening to Koutarou stumble around in the bathroom, he had a little too much to drink at your engagement party, mostly thanks to Kuroo egging him on, and was more than a little tipsy because of it. You chuckled a bit to yourself as you glanced down at your left hand admiring the delicate ring resting snugly on your ring finger. As you were admiring it Koutarou came in and threw himself on the bed making you bounce a little. You flailed around a bit laughing and smacked your left hand into your bedside table.

"Ouch!" you exclaimed pulling your hand to your body to assess it, as you were looking over your hand you realized that the delicate diamond that had been nestled in the ring was gone. Cue the freakout. "Oh my god Koutarou! The diamond in my engagement ring is gone! It must have fallen out when I hit my hand!!" He grumbled a little bit from his position next to you his face hidden in his pillow. You smacked him on the back, hard. "Bokuto Koutarou, this is not a joke!"

He groaned loudly turning his face towards you, with his eyes still firmly shut he said, "Nah ______, it's alright don't worry about it. The diamond in your engagement ring is fake anyway." You paused staring at him for a second before you positioned yourself with both feet on his ribcage and shoved him off of the bed. "ACK!" he exclaimed as he fell to the floor, "What was that for?"

You glowered at him and settled yourself in the middle of the bed. "You can sleep on the couch tonight," you replied coldly. "You can't banish me to the couch! This is my bed too!" he exclaimed.

A/N: Spoiler: he slept on the couch.

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