Fluffy Headcanons with Kuroo Tetsurou & Oikawa Tooru

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Anonymous asked: hihi!! may a request a super duper fluffy hc of kuroo and oikawa just chilling inside with their fem s/o on a chilly rainy day? have a nice day and i love your blog~ <33

Just saying, I would love to spend a whole day copped up with Oikawa.

~~Admin Keiji


Fluffy indoors Kuroo:

Did you know that, unlike humans, cats can drink saltwater in order to survive? Well you do now. Kuroo is a super crazy nerd about literally anything. Surprisingly enough, though, you kicked his butt in Trivial Pursuit. He's only really good with science and doesn't have a clue about entertainment. He only got the sport pie piece since the question was about volleyball.

Kuroo's a really good cook. He makes you comfort food and laughs when you complain that you're gonna put on fifty pounds. "I'll love you no matter how big or little you get, _____."

You put on movies, but don't really pay attention to them. You mainly focus on the warmth of your side and the hand slowly raking through your hair. (You tried to do the same to Kuroo, but that hair)

You take a bath together, but it's completely innocent, washing each other's backs and hair. You teach Kuroo about this wonderful thing called conditioner and teach him of all its benefits when he told you he thought it was just a ploy to get people to spend more money, like they do with pockets on women's pants.

Hot cocoa with peppermint sticks. Who cares if its April? You two sure as heck don't.

You end up falling asleep in each other's arms at only 8:00pm since you were lazy all day. Kuroo's snores are the best thing to fall asleep to, you decide.

Fluffy indoors Oikawa:

Oikawa's first suggestion is a Star Wars marathon. His second suggestion is a Star Trek marathon. His sixth suggestion is playing Cosmos in the background while you play board games. You agree because 1) Cosmos, and 2) board games.

You make up your own rules on some games. In Sorry, whenever one knocks another's piece out, they owe a kiss so there are no hard feelings. In Uno, Draw Four means draw four and receive four kisses. In Monopoly, it's every man for him or herself.

Oikawa suggests breaking up after you take all his money in Monopoly. In your defense, he should've been a bit warier about the hotels you had on Park Place and the Boardwalk, but...

You let him talk about aliens instead for the next hour and your relationship is saved, until the debate about if the government officials are actually Lizardmen. You tell Oikawa he needs to stop watching conspiracies. He shows you some documentaries in response and you are shooketh.

At the end of the day, you two are closer than ever before and Iwaizumi feels chills up his spine for no apparent reason at the moment. When he meets you two for coffee the next day, he's scared.

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