Drabble #14 with Akaashi Keiji

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Anonymous asked: 42 with Akaashi?

Our precious owl wrangler Akaashi! Prettiest of the setters! This is referencing to the manga when Nekoma and Fukurodani played against one another for the second spot for Nationals, hope you don't mind! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Akaashi Keiji: Drabble #42 "Stop being so cute."

Your throat was so very raw from screaming your excitement over your boyfriends amazingly accurate tosses and your teams ace firing the ball into the ground like a canon.

You knew you wouldn't be able to speak at all tomorrow. Sitting on the sidelines of the court, you knew you were envied by the fans sitting in the stands since you were so close to the action, so close to the famed players who'd gone to Nationals three times before. You didn't blame them honestly. You'd be jealous, too, if you were in their place.

But you were you, and you were the girlfriend of their talented setter, so you were given special treatment when it came to seating at these amazing matches. You were the main contributor to all the hype in the gym, leading the people in the stands with cheers that you knew would keep Fukurodani playing at 120% to defeat Nekoma.

The whistle blew to signal a time out called by Nekoma, but you didn't stop your leading the bleacher seats from cheering. You only stopped when you felt sleek fingers wrap around your wrist and tug to turn you around to face them. You recognized the fingers immediately and had no problem wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him tightly, "Keiji!" You smiled widely as you pulled your head away enough to see his soft smile at your excitement, "You're so amazing, Keiji! Your sets are like 'fwooh' and 'fffwwwe'" You sounded out, making the setter remember familiar noises leaving the excitement form of a small orange headed player from Karasuno.

He only continued to smile at you as you kept sounding out your amazement over how fast and quick his tosses were and how he could receive and spike, too, and how well they were doing against Nekoma. He loved to hear you gush over him, but he loved to gush over you as well. So it pained him to reach up and cover your mouth with his slightly sweaty, but still very careful and delicate hand, "Stop being so cute. It's very distracting, _____." He teased gently before the whistle blew and he quickly pulled his hand away before giving you a quick kiss and rushing back onto the court to finish the match.

You were taken by surprise of course, standing there stock still in shock and trying to figure out what had just happened for more than a few minutes before you blinked yourself back to reality out of lala land just in time to see your boyfriend dump the volleyball just in front of Nekoma's middle blocker. You licked your lips, tasting him and his hard work and his excitement to win this match, and you couldn't help but smile widely before yelling his name in a cheer.

"Ah-Kah-Shi!" You sounded out with the bleacher fans, "AH-KAH-SHI!" You yelled louder than anyone, your smile threatening to break your face in half when his dark green eyes slid over to meet yours with his own small smile before he jumped to toss the ball for Bokuto to spike down another point.

In your own opinion, Volleyball had never looked so graceful.

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