Drabble #12 with Kageyama Tobio

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Anonymous asked: Can I please have #61 "welcome back. Now fucking help me." For kageyama:)))))

Ahhh Blueberry husband! Of course you can, anon!! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Kageyama Tobio: Drabble #61 "Welcome back. Now fucking help me."

How had this happened? You had just wanted to get some exercise while your boyfriend was out for a jog. You had wanted to go with him originally, but when he'd shown you his route through the mountains and going practically to the next town over before coming all the way back, you'd suddenly decided that running was not for you. Good choice really, you would have passed out after the first mile with how fast his pace was due to his long legs.

But now you weren't sure if you were glad you hadn't gone or if you wanted to kick yourself in the head for declining. Maybe if you'd decided to suck it up and go with him, you wouldn't be stuck right now.

And you were stuck. You'd wanted to see how flexible you could be, since you'd decided you need some form of exercise, you hadn't done anything with Kageyama all day! That's probably why he wanted to go for a run, so he could push away the feeling of being cooped up. So, you figured you'd do the same and get your heart pumping.

That's how you ended up with your right ankle behind your head in your summer pajamas, your other leg stretched out to the side of you in a half split stance. You'd been triumphant when you'd gotten your ankle to be parallel to your head, and decided to go a step further and lock it in place; That had been a mistake.

"______. I'm home." Kageyama's deep voice called as he opened the front door and went to take off his shoes. You'd never been more relieved and embarrassed in your entire life as you caught his gaze when he entered the living room to see you in such a stance. His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed such a pretty red that you were almost distracted from the growing pain in the stretch of your thigh. "W-w-what happened?" He stuttered, trying to focus his eyes on your face and not on the way your leg was bent at such a tempting angle.

You smiled widely at him, though the slight pain and strain showed on your face, "Welcome home. Now fucking help me before my leg comes out of its socket." You whimpered slightly. He didn't have enough time to be shocked at you cursing before he realized how uncomfortable that position did look. He rushed to your side and carefully wrapped his hand around your ankle before unlocking it from behind your head, not that you could really tell; Your foot had gone dead from the low circulation. You let out a breath of relief as he set your leg down and moved your other leg so that it wasn't stretched out to the side, you were sure he only helped that part though because he wanted to keep his hands on your bare thighs. "Thank you, Tobio." You breathed out with a small smile before you rubbed the sore muscle of the back of your thigh.

Kageyama blushed a bit more as he watched you rub your skin, "Y-you're welcome." He said lowly, moving his eyes back up to see you were staring at him with a slightly teasing look now, "W-what's wrong? Do I have something on my face?" He asked seriously, reaching his hand up from one of your thighs to rub at his still flustered face, whether it was from catching you in such a position or from his long run you couldn't tell.

Laughing softly, you reached up and pulled him by the shirt for a heated kiss. Seeing him so out of breath really did something to you, so you couldn't help yourself. "We aren't going to try that in the bedroom." You stated before you felt feeling come back into your foot and stood up, stretching your leg to make sure it wasn't completely messed up, "But I did find a few other stretches I wouldn't mind showing you." You winked at him over your shoulder as you walked into the kitchen to get yourself something to drink.

You didn't know that you'd made Kageyama short circuit.

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