Cuddle Headcanons Bokuto Koutarou & Tendou Satori

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Anonymous asked: ok but because I was liIVING for those oikawa and kuroo cuddle hc's, could I have the same with bokuto & tendou? Tysm & love the new blog <3

Ahhhh thank you so much anon! I'm so glad you liked them!! Honestly I was a little 'iffy' on Kuroo's, but if they brought into a capital state of living then I am very glad I could do that for you <3 I really hope I lived up to my last set of headcanons! -Admin Satori

Bokuto Koutarou: (Admin Satori's beefy husband)

If you thought just holding hands with the Owl King was intense, then you have a whole new level to enjoy when it's cuddle time with this beefcake! (Did that make any sense?)

Everyone knows he's super sensitive. It's a given. He's probably the most self conscious and one of the most confidant people at the same time since not only is he nervous to be cuddling you wrong, but when you reassure him it's like "Baby, I know it!" (Literally any form of physical affection from him is good. Good or bad.)

Usually he prefers to be looking at you so he can gauge your reaction to anything he does, those wide gold eyes of his don't leave your face. Which usually has you in a blushing mess. Therefore this boy loves to cuddle with you where you're either face to face on pillows next to each other, or where your head is on his shoulder and he can easily see what expression has settled on your face.

Pillow Forts. Pillow Forts for daaaays! This boy is a total dork at heart and will want cuddle times with you to be super comfortable, even if it's 100 degrees outside.

"Come into the castle, babe- I mean Princess! I even folded a blanket into a dragon!"

(It looks nothing like a dragon. Like... at all. Just a blanket folded into a weird shape sort of thing.) He tried tho

"Kou, it's 90 degrees outside. and you're a natural heater" (Ha, weak. It gets in the 100's here in Texas D:)

"Nuh-uh! I have the portable AC in here so we don't overheat!"

Run your fingers through his hair. He. Will. Melt. (You've got to get him to get all that product out of his hair first though otherwise his hair is kinda crusty lmao)

Cuddles with him are filled with his stories about volleyball practice. That's all he'll ever talk about but you don't mind because you love him and his passion for volleyball. Although, it's practically canon that he is not very... Bright? Bright in his actual school work, so bringing that up with either make him start to go into his distressed mode

Usually kissing his face all over will bring him out of it, but if that doesn't work then either helping him work through it by continuing to push or taking his mind off of it will work out just as fine! This boy isn't dumb, he's very bright, but he just can't seem to put what's in his head on paper, and that's okay, you reassure him.

He's pretty tired during after practice cuddles, and you'll only know he's fallen asleep when you feel his cheek press against the top of your head and hear his breathing become deep and steady. (He has the cutest sleeping face)

Although, if it's morning cuddles, it's pretty quiet. He likes to run his fingers through your hair and press kisses into the top of your head, or leave lingering kisses on your forehead.

I warn you to be careful where exactly you place your hands on his belly. He's sometimes super ticklish (but that's a whole other set of headcanons)

Tendou Satori: (Ayyyy! It's my trash child/husband <3)

I resent anyone who calls this boy a "Lizard Boy" (That's Suguru, not Tendou #rude He's zombie boy in episode 3 though lmao)

Honestly, this tol mf just is not the best cuddler. He's better at tickle fights than anything, so that's what most of your tickle sessions turn into. (That or some wonderful sinning >:D)

Although, you can usually rope him into a cuddle session when he's feeling stressed over an upcoming match or just after practice when his muscles are all sore. He's usually too tired to put up a fight or even try to pin you into a tickle war, so he'll let you do whatever you want as long as it feels good. (Was that dirty? Yeah. Yeah it was.)

He'll only admit it through teasing, he absolutely loves when your fingers are in his hair. Not that you mind because his hair is just so fun to play with. But just the knowledge that you'll have your fingers stroking his red locks makes him almost volunteer to cuddle.

He's either not in the mood to ask for it or he's overbearing about doing it. There's no in between.

"__-chan~! Come to bed with me."

"Satori, I'm cooking dinner. Go take a shower, you stink like sweat."

"Awww, ___-chan~ you're so cruel...." Enter Satori clad in a towel not 5 minutes later. "Won't you join me, ___-chan~?" (You don't get a choice with him in just a towel. It's too tempting to pass up the offer.)

His favorite sleeping position would be one where you're able to reach his head and his hair. So expect him to lay his head on your stomach and wrap his body around your lower half. (There's a reason people are calling him lizard boy and now I see why)

Usually though, after he falls asleep, he somehow makes his way up the bed so that you're then being pressed against his chest while the both of you sleep. He's not very warm being how very lanky he is, so you'll be buried under blankets.

Sometimes he'll hog all the blankets and sing you a mean song when you wake up freezing and tugging at them. (Rude as hell Tendou.)

You're usually the first to rise in the morning, so you get to enjoy staring at his face hearing his little noises while he sleeps (until his eyes flash open and scare the shit out of you. Then you're regretting falling in love with this guess monster dork.)

A/N: You literally chose my two fav husbands. I was actually deciding between being Admin Koutarou or being Admin Tendou... Then I decided upon Admin Satori just bc I'm in a Tendou trash rut right now!

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