More Kouhai Headcanons with Oikawa Tooru

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Anonymous asked: The dancing kouhai was so cute!! Ahhh! Oikawa hcs, knowing his kouhai lives alone bcz her family is in another country and she used to learn ballet when she was young and always love dancing and singing (and alien lmao) Thx~

Okay~ Soooo I tried as best I could to include everything in these headcanons! Thanks for requesting!! -Admin Satori <3

Oikawa Tooru: Kouhai Headcanons

He'd visit you ever single day to make sure you were doing okay, even if he'd seen you not 2 hours ago at school. He'd rush over after practice and ask if you needed him to escort you to the store or wherever you needed to go.

Will definitely send Iwaizumi in his place when he's not able to go. (Iwaizumi will just text if you're okay if it's not an emergency lmao) sometimes it'll be Makki or Mattsun to visit you if Iwaizumi can't. (They'll make themselves at home tbh)

If you're open about your hobbies, he'll make sure to make time to go to your performances and sit in the very first row so you can see that he's there for you

Will definitely offer to help you dance (Oikawa you don't know ballet wat are you doing????) And will even buy a karaoke machine for you to practice your singing with (those aren't very helpful Oikawa plz stap)

When you first start talking to him about aliens, he'll immediately pull out his wallet where he has pictures of the stars when they're sort of 'suspicious' to him.

He'll come over on the weekend to stargaze with you if you want him to, will help you onto your roof so that you don't get hurt.

"Did you see that, _____-chan? That star just shot across the sky so fast!"

"Oikawa-sensei, those are called shooting stars... It's a passing meteor."

"Noooooo~ Have you already stopped believing, ____-chan? So sad~. I guess the aliens won't be visiting you since you don't believe in them anymore. That's okay. More visits for me~!" (I hope they take you into the vacuum of space you big nerd lmao)

Sometimes his schedule will get busy, so he'll put less focus on your own life so that he can get his sorted out, but you're never completely out of his mind. Iwaizumi gets frustrated when almost every single conversation with the Captain always turns to something that relates to you.

But he'll always visit your house after a match, win or lose, to make sure you were taken care of.

Feels odd about liking his kouhai since he thinks the kouhai-senpai relationship should be purely platonic, but when you smile and call out to him or tell him that you've dedicated a song/dance to him, he can't help but let his crush grow.

(He's whipped af tbh) He'll make sure that you have the best seats at his matches as long as you save the best seats, and a meeting afterwards, at your performances.

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