Athlete Reader Headcanons with Bokuto Koutarou & Ushijima Wakatoshi

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Anonymous asked: could I get some hc's for bokuto and ushijima where their s/o is also an athlete? (up to you what kind) Tysm! love your blog <3

Woohoo! Late af as usual please accept my sincere apologies and enjoy anon! I have done my best and I'm actually quite pleased with how they came out! -Admin Terushima ;P


HC#1: If Ushijima's s/o plays a sport other than volleyball he dedicates a lot of time to understanding every facet of the support so there is never a disconnect between them. Ushijima is the kind of person that has an extremely high level of adaptability in his everyday life, so having a s/o that is in a sport other than volleyball doesn't really faze him. Ushijima is the kind of boyfriend that belives communication is key in maintaining a healthy relationship so one of the first things he does is research everything he can about the sport his s/o plays so that when he is at their games, and he most definitely will be, he can encourage them in the right ways and understand when his s/o has achieved something incredible.

HC#2: Ushijima and his s/o will swap on and off teaching the other their sport. Volleyball is a big part of Ushijima's life so it pleases him that his s/o is interested in learning it and out of love for his s/o he is more than happy to indulge them when they want to begin to teach them the basics of their sport.

HC#3: Ushijima doesn't want to admit it but even though he loves volleyball there is some amount of stress that comes with being the top team in the prefecture, and when he feels a little down his s/o will coerce him into playing their preferred sport with him. It never fails to lift his mood as some form of exercise always does, but more than that is how he feels when he says the joy on his s/o face while they play the sport they love. (Little does he know that his s/o only has that much fun playing their sport when he plays with them)

HC#4: Since Ushijima and his s/o are both athletes they both know all too well about the strains their sports put on their bodies. They will often stretch in the living room with one another and they do some light yoga together in the mornings. Sometimes if they are really sore they will draw a hot bath and take turns in it while the other massages their sore muscles. While intimate Ushijima and his s/o are usually hurting a bit too much to take it to the bedroom but it gets their feelings across to the other anyway.


HC#1: It always blows Bokutos mind when his s/o talks about their sport because he doesn't know what they're talking about so it always sounds super impressive. Cue the "Wow, _______! That sounds so cool was everybody super impressed???" and his s/o will just laugh and say, "No because it is a very basic and commonly used tactic but thank you Koutarou!" It's not that he doesn't care to learn what his s/o sport is all about he just has little room in his head for anything else other than volleyball, his s/o understands this and loves him anyway.

HC#2: Despite Bokuto;s limited understanding of his s/o sport he always goes out of his way to attend their practices, scrimmages, and games whenever humanly possible. The coach of his s/o finds Bokuto endearing but has also kicked him out of practices and scrimmages for being extremely loud and more than a little distracting. His s/o tells him its fine and that he is a little distracting especially when he cheers when the other team scores a point. It doesn't bother his s/o because they know that he's trying his best and that he will support them no matter what.

HC#3: Bokuto is very popular among his s/o team, friends, and family. His s/o was scared to introduce him to their team because they didn't know what they would do if their second family didn't like him. Luckily this wasn't a problem because Bokuto walked in like he walks into everything, with an open mind and an open heart. (His s/o teammates thought it was adorable that he came in support even though he had no idea what was going on.)

A/N: Well that's all I've got for headcanons anon! I hope you enjoyed them!

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