You're Beautiful with Oikawa Tooru & Sure to his Heart with Bokuto Koutarou

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Anonymous asked: Oikawa with insecure chubby kouhai? And bokuto with a pro cook-baker roommate? Thank you~

Hmmm so I wasn't sure if you wanted a scenario or headcanon, so I went ahead and did headcanons because it's easier, BUT if you want a scenario instead, please feel free to let me know!! -Admin Satori <3

Oikawa Tooru: Insecure + Chubby + Kouhai Headcanons

As long as you aren't competing against him, then he's the best senpai around!

Like, he's really attentive to his kouhai's when they're near him, he'll ask how your day is and how school is working with you and how if you need a tutor that he can help. He's just a really super involved parent in their lives

I have a feeling all his kouhai's have his phone number, and he made them put it as the third speed dial (after their parents of course.)

If he ever found out that his fanbase was bullying you, you can bet your ass he'd make a huge show of telling everyone that you were off limits for them to ever talk to. He'll even slightly intimidate those girls that don't mind what he says and continue to bully you. Or better, he'll completely ignore them and cause them to break. (Savage.)

Because he's so attentive, you feel comfortable going to him with anything you're having trouble with! Even your insecurities! He's really good at helping you through and breaking down the insecurities enough so that they don't bother you as much.

Or if you're the type that doesn't wanna think about your insecurities, he'll help with that, too! Usually by taking you out to events that'll take your mind off of what's eating at you.

Honestly, he didn't even notice your weight. He was more overwhelmed with the fact that you called him senpai and he got to enjoy the feeling of being looked up to (by someone other than Tobio) so he doesn't care about your weight. He doesn't care if your thin or fat, dark or light, short or tall, he just likes being able to dote on your like a parent!

Bokuto Koutarou: Pro Cook/Baker Roommate

(You're never leaving the kitchen.) He's going to be for sweets literally every day, and you're gonna have to choose between breaking his heart or making his day. (Good luck :D)

He'll think it's SO FUCKING cool that you can bake and cook and create so much amazing, delicious stuff out of as little as sugar and smaller plants (herbs)

If you have a skit on a local tv station or a revealing at a restaurant that you own, he's going to be there! For moral support and so you don't feel like he doesn't care about your hobbys, because he does, and because he wants to see the looks of amazement that he has everyday on everyone else's faces, also! (And because he wants some more samples of your food lmao)

Surprise him with moist brownies. He. Will. Die. A. Happy. Man. And then he'll be your slave for more of your baked goods. Please don't give him anymore cavities. (Imagine walking in on him with brownies all over his chin and cheeks like a fucking two year old? I'm fucking dead guys)

Don't try to challenge him to a cooking competition! You know you're going to win! Why would you do that, poor owl king will get so disgruntled that he can't win against you even though you're literally a professional at this.

Guess what? Christmas/birthday gifts from him to you? They're really odd looking cooking utensils and pots/pans/colanders and literally anything he's never seen in his mother's kitchen. Even the wrapping paper he uses for the gifts have little pots and pans on there! He's absolutely ridiculous sometimes lmao

He'll try to bake you something for your birthday so that you can have a day off... It doesn't work so well... He accidentally set fire to the stove when he was supposed to be using the oven??? And for some reason the refrigerator started to defrost after he opened it for some eggs and milk. (Same.)

Needless to say, he's the most hype when holidays and birthday's roll around.... Your baking is all he looks forward to during the holiday season. He's going to hate himself after downing three times his helping of cookies/cake/brownies/ice cream and literally anything else sweet from you, since it's going to be more work at the gym for him (he actually really likes going to the gym, don't let his whining get to you)

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