Drabble #10 with Bokuto Koutarou

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Anonymous asked: "Flea markets don't carry fleas, you know?" for Bokuto please?🙊

Lmao! Don't worry Bokuto! I reacted the same way when I found out... when I was 5... Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Bokuto Koutarou: Drabble #63 "Flea markets don't carry fleas, you know?"

You'd been saving your money all month for this day. The yearly flea market had finally announced their arrival and the big sales and offers for deals, and you were excited to get some new things for your apartment! You'd invited your boyfriend of almost a year to come along with you since you were almost completely sure you were going to invite him to move in with you soon.

So that's what brought you to a stand with glass containers holding living, squirming things ranging from crickets to huge snakes. You stayed as far as you were comfortable with away from the stand while Bokuto searched the containers before pouting and coming back to you, "Maybe they're at that stand over there..." He trailed off as he led you by the hand over to a similar stand.

You rolled your eyes as he searched the containers, but decided he was entertaining himself enough for you to turn to the next table and do some browsing of your own.

It'd only been a few minutes before you heard Bokuto's panicked voice when he didn't see you behind him like you had been last time, "_____? ______!" He yelled, looking over the heads of people as best he could, "_____! Where are you??" He called loudly before he sighed in relief when he saw you at a stand just a few feet away, looking intensely at one of the intricately designed rugs that hung from the table. "Don't wander off like that, ____! I was so worried! You're too tiny to be sneaking away like that." He pouted as he wrapped his arms dramatically around your middle and laid his head on top of yours.

You only laughed softly at his small amount of whining before you turned around and pressed a kiss to his jaw, "Kou, I'm not that small. I'm pretty averagely sized for my age." You pointed out before you leaned into his chest, wrapping your arms around his middle and flattening your hands on his shoulder blades to hold him closer to you, "Akaashi would not approve of you yelling and making a scene like that, Kou." You teased.

"_____." He whined, pressing his face into your hair before lowering his head and laying it on your shoulder, "Hey, ___?" He asked after a few minutes of silence, making you hum in response so he knew you were listening, "Why aren't there any fleas at the animal stands?" He asked with a pout evident in his voice.

The question was odd. It took you a few minutes to reply before you giggled quietly against his shoulder, "Kou... Flea markets don't carry fleas, you know?" You pointed out, "It's just the name... why would you want to buy fleas?" You asked curiously as you pulled your head away enough for him to meet your gaze.

He was still pouting, "To get back at Kuroo for putting mosquitos in my tent when we went camping." He muttered sheepishly, and you couldn't help but laugh to yourself when you remembered how itchy he'd been that entire week. He'd even gone so far as to have you scratch the hard to reach places, which you hadn't minded one bit!

"Well..." You hummed before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek, "We can stop at the local petstore and see if they know where we can get some, yeah?" You offered to which he brightened up immensely and agreed. You wanted revenge for your poor boyfriend suffering that week. Kuroo didn't know what was coming.

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