Almost Opposites with Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: your blog is super good!! youre doing great! thank u for your hard work!! that being said can i request headcanons for tsukishima who has a very smiley and polite s/o? like she always says thank you no matter how well she knows a person and is often seen doing silly things like dancing while waiting around? she also is quite witty but always smiles whilst teasing people and is just vv sunshiney is general. this is really specific im sorry if this too weird please ignore me if it is. take care!!

Ahhh~ Our success is all thanks to you wonderful people!! Thank you so much anon! It means a lot to me that you all really like our interpretation of the characters!! And thank you so much for being specific! It really helps us get ideas!! -Admin Satori <3

Tsukishima Kei: Smiley + Polite + Silly/whimsical + Witty s/o Heacanons

Honestly finds your entire personality to be 100/10.

He really likes that you're more or less his complete opposite and thinks fondly of the phrase 'opposites attract' since it really does work like that sometimes.

Since he's always snarky, mean, teasing, salty af, he finds your sunshininess to be really refreshing, but not in the annoying sense like Hinata. He'll genuinely look around for you to indirectly cheer him up when he's having a rough day.

SUPER protective of you. He thinks of your sunshininess and silliness as something to keep the cruel world from snuffing out (like he claims it did for him. Big baby tbh) Will absolutely take you out of the general vicinity of people if they start speaking negatively or trying to get you to act more your age.

When he catches you being silly, he feels his heart squeeze in his chest and just thanks whatever he did in a past life to deserve you. Will tease you about you being so childish, especially out in public, but finds it absolutely endearing and will always keep those memories close to his heart.

"____-chan, you're dancing again."

"I'm sorry, Kei. It's just this food is so good! It makes me really happy that the cooks put so much effort into every meal."

"... I think it has too much salt." (No, Tsukki. YOU have too much salt lmao)

He ADORES that you're so witty, and tries to learn from you how to not put so much insult in his own teasing and taunts. He feels like if he can become kinder in his words then he'll be granted more time to remain at your side.

His politeness always somehow comes out as being less sincere or having a tone of sarcasm (which he prided himself on before you) so when he hears just... the GENUINE politeness and honorifics and how generous you are with your kind words or something that's just above and beyond what others do when being polite, he just is in awe and will almost sigh dreamily when he thinks about it in the privacy of his own room.

When your general happiness and optimistic and kind outlook on life and attitude with your friends or acquaintances makes itself known 100% to him, he'll try to push you away and out of his life. It's to protect you from his own pessimism. He doesn't want to make you become so mean like him. (He is super thoughtful but is completely misjudging his own kindness.)

If you get into an argument with him, and ultimately realize there's some truth in his pessimistic words or realize that he's right on you being too childish, he will absolutely hate himself. He was trying to protect you from the cruel world around you, and yet he'd been the one to snuff out a little hope from your eyes. (Please just give this boy a hug and tell him it's alright T~T)

If you're strong enough to be unfazed by his words, he'll still feel shitty about himself for almost hurting you in such a way that you'd lose your way (dramatic much?) But he'll have so much respect for your strength! He'll either take it as a sign to back down with his insults or unknowingly take it as a challenge to hurt you next time. If he does hurt you the next time, he'll immediately despise himself 10x worse and try to push you away again.

After argument recovery is usually you leaning against him and forgiving his mean words, which only makes him love you more for overlooking the harshness of his personality and bite and seeing that he was only looking out for him. Will still hold onto that regret and pain after he apologizes since he wanted to be the LAST thing to ever hurt you. He wants to you to continue in life with that childlike hope and conquer great things. (Will dump you if he thinks you'll do better without him.)

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