General Headcanons with Akaashi Keiji

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saddestmilkpudding (can't find on Tumblr :( ) asked: hihi!! can i get some general Akaashi Keiji headcanons? like maybe general school-life-home headcanons? thank you!!

Hey hey hey! Of course you can! I haven't worked too much with Akaashi, but I really hope you like what I've come up with! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Akaashi Keiji: School + Life + Home Headcanons


Super SUPER organized. Like you have no idea. His backpack is actually compartmentalized. If you took everything out of his backpack without moving anything around, it would look like a ruler was used to find out all the dimensions of it.

Not the TOP student but pretty damn close! (He feels like if he gets top grades that Bokuto will get emo about it.) But is considered the most respectful in all his classes.

Feels uncomfortable without adding an honorific to anyone he talks to. He feels like it's really personal and he doesn't want to make the other person feel odd.

Won't raise his hand to answer a question unless he absolutely knows the answer. (Has the same anxiety everyone has over being chosen for a question.)

Everyone usually gives him space since they assume his RBF means he's angry. He usually has to spark up a conversation for the student to feel okay with approaching him in the future.

Has been asked by almost all the girls in his and lower classes for tutoring sessions. He's just too pretty for anyone to be immune to him.

Doesn't daydream a lot during class. He feels like if he's got to be in class, he might as well learn what the material is and make a good grade out of it. Sometimes his worry of an upcoming game might take up his mind, but more or less doesn't let it bother him during class.


Has always been a quiet guy. Even in childhood. His parents are super conscious of being respectful, so they always taught him to never speak unless spoken to. But once he grew out of that around his young teenage years, he still kept to himself.

Really likes roller coasters. Believe it or not. He absolutely loves thriller rides that go way up high then drop and do twists and turns. Weirdly though, he doesn't scream! He just enjoys the ride.

His favorite food is, like Hinata, pork meatbuns. Before Bokuto introduced him to them, he actually enjoyed making his own sushi and yakitori.

Doesn't like to let his hair get too long, so he'll usually go every 4 weeks to get it trimmed so that it doesn't get in his way when setting. Also files down his nails on his own like Kageyama.

Was told as a little kid that he didn't look normal when he smiled showing his teeth, so now he only smiles with his lips closed, if at all. (No Akaashi! You're gorgeous!)

Before joining the volleyball team, he was thinking he'd be good at playing an instrument. He tried for violin and piano. But he couldn't learn sheet music for the life of him.

Really likes buying small keychains and trinkets from places he's visited. Has a whole collection of them in a box on his shelf in his closet. His favorite keychains are attached to things like USBs and house keys.


I really think that he has a healthy relationship with his parents. Neither of them are ever neglecting him. They're just really conservative and keep to themselves. They were kind of nervous when he told them he joined the volleyball team.

His parents think Bokuto is... eccentric. They were very worried when he introduced him to them and said he was his captain. (They went to a shrine and prayed for their son to not become a thug like they thought Bokuto was.)

Always has dinner with both his parents. No matter what. Dinner time is family time, but it is usually silent apart from the few business stories his father has to tell.

Doesn't stay up past 9pm. He knows his brain needs time to store everything and refresh itself for the next day.

Usually finishes his homework before dinner is ready. If he finishes early, he'll complete some chores that need to be done.

His favorite thing to do at home is sketch. I feel like he's really good at using charcoal, but feels really self conscious about it when he leaves his room covered in black smudges to clean up in the bathroom across the hall.

Believes in spring cleaning. Will tear his room apart, clean out the unnecessary items (what little he forgot to throw away in the first place) and put it all back together in the span of about 2-3 days.

Gets really cold at night, so he has a space heater and multiple soft blankets. He folds everything and puts the space heater back in the hall closet before leaving for school every morning though.  

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