House Full o' Girls with Bokuto Koutarou

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Anonymous asked: Even tho your blog is new, its already so damn cute! Bokuto cuddle hc hit me with a brick thank you, bokuto hcs with his fem roommates? ((I write a story about it so :3))

Thank you so much, anon! Bokuto is my beefy husband tbh, he's the type of guy I NEED In my life, I think it's his hype and happy personality and his goddamn beautiful arms that draw me to him <3 So for this I assumed that he wasn't in a relationship with any of them... I hope that's alright! Thank you for requesting and good luck with your story!! -Admin Satori <3

Bokuto Koutarou: Female Roommates (3) Headcanons

I have my own headcanon that he's the youngest with two older sisters, so therefore he's super respectful when meeting and living with women.

That time of the month when all his roommates inevitably sync up? He's right out there in the stores buying all the pads and tampons that you all need, not feeling awkward at all and actually being pretty good at differentiating between the brands that each of you want. Sometimes he'll just know that time of the month is near, so he'll stop by the store on his way home like a week in advance and pick up whatever is running low.

All for spontaneous work out sessions or random cooking/baking or whatever is piquing their interest that week/month/day. If one roommate wants to hike one day, but the other wants to bake, and the other wants to learn how to knit, and they all want to involve him, he'll make sure to make time for all of them AND his own interests.

You can't be his roommate without getting hooked on volleyball as soon as he starts explaining and getting hyped about it. His excitement is contagious, so before you know it, you're asking if you could help him practice or have him help you to learn how to play. (You all have enough for a 2v2 game and that makes him literally jitter with excitement)

The ultimate gentleman, he'll be sure that his morning/evening routine in the bathroom is quick and to the point so that you aren't all fighting over it and whining about who takes too long. Although, he is still a man, so he'll accidentally forget to clean up his freshly shaven stubble or some hair gel that dried on the counter top. It's not too bad, but it does get to be a problem if none of the girls are particularly clean in general I'm not.

Will let you borrow his clothing or something masculine of his to help you use as an item of your boyfriend so that you can get any unwanted suitors off your coattails. Will even go so far as playing your boyfriend at any event (Don't do that! That's a dangerous road to travel! You'll fall in love with him!)

If he sees one of his roommates sleeping on the couch or at the table or anywhere that's not their bed, he'll take them (if he has previous permission) and take them to their room to tuck them in.

Once or twice every couple of months, he'll forget to knock and accidentally come in on his roommates in the bathroom or in their room, and immediately turns beet red and apologizes profusely, even if it wasn't anything bad! He'll make you whatever you want or do whatever you want just so that you will grant him your forgiveness.

He's not too good at cooking, so when it's his turn to make dinner, he'll usually stick to something simple like hamburgers or packaged ramen. But for some reason his packaged ramen ALWAYS tastes better than any ramen any of his roommates had ever eaten in their entire lives.

"Koutarou, what do you put in here? Is it one of the spices that are on the top rack?"

"Why? Is it bad? I'm sorry! Ahhhhh, I followed the instrutions! I'll go out and get something bet-"

"No, no, no, Kou-kun, it's delicious. Don't freak out please."

"Yeah, Kou-chan, it's really good!"

After all of his roommates calming him down back into his normal self, he'll proudly state that he made the package of ramen with all his love! (Though he does wrack his brain later trying to think about what he did differently)

All in all, having Bokuto as a roommate in general is always fun since he's a hoot sorry and he is always down for movie nights and learning new things and pushing the limits and he's super respectful of the girls privacy and boundaries and knowing when his antics are most likely to be appreciated and when they need their space! He's great roommate material, even if he is a little messy sometimes. (Don't go into his room.... It's a warzone.)

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