Drabble #13 with Kuroo Tetsurou

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Anonymous asked: 22 for Kuroo 👀

Ooooh~! Cat daddy! And I know Halloween is over... but I just couldn't think of anything else rn lol. Thanks for requesting!!!! I hope you like it! -Admin Satori <3

Kuroo Tetsurou: Drabble #22 "Did you just hiss at me?"

"Tetsuuuuuuu! You're taking too long!" You whined as you sat on the bed facing the bathroom door with crossed arms, "We're going to be late for Bokuto's party if you take another second." You complained as you flopped back on the bed, your arms thrown out on either side of your body with a pout on your face, "All the good food is going to be gone, all the good booze is gonna be in everyone bellies, and we'll be left with the finger foods like the bowl of pretzels that no one ever wants to eat!" You continued with your whining.

His chuck sounded from the other side of the door and you leaned up on your elbows to be able to see him when he ultimately decided to show himself. "You can't rush perfection, _____. You should know that by now." You could hear the smirk in his voice and rolled your eyes, "I'm just putting on the finishing touches... Once you see this, you'll forget all about the party and beg me to bed you right now." He assured confidently.

You let out a loud laugh at how he sounded like he just KNEW that was going to happen no matter what. "Suuuuure, Tetsu." You placated before sighing loudly, "If I get to 10 and you're not out of the bathroom, you're not getting any more of this kitty cat." You called, smirking when you immediately heard him stumble with whatever utensils he was working on, "1...... 2....... 3......"

"You're not going to hold me to that, kitten. You know you can't resist me." "5...... 6...... 7......" "Babe, don't rush me!" "9....."

"Okay, okay, okay! I'm coming out!" He laughed as he slid open the door, stepping out in his costume. You didn't know what to feel. Should you feel turned on? Should you laugh? Should you sigh like Akaashi does whenever Bokuto does something predictable? Kuroo, your boyfriend of 2 years, had decided he wanted to dress as his former high school namesake, again, so he'd gone out to all the Halloween stores in Tokyo and had finally found what he was looking for in his size. A sleek, black cat suit that left very little to the imagination and included a long black cat tail that hung off where his tailbone was and a pair of black cat ears that would have been invisible in his mess of black hair had it not been for the cute splash of pink showing where the inside of the ears were. "So what do you think, babe?" He asked, holding out his arms for you to get a, unnecessary, better look at how the fabric hugged his body oh so sinfully good. If it weren't for the very fluffy cat paw gloves that covered his hands, you were sure the outline of his crotch in his outfit would have been enough to get you going. But he looked just too ridiculous for you to keep a straight face for too long.

You started to giggle a bit, watching his lips form into a pout, but the sight of his face only made you giggle some more. He'd used your makeup to draw whiskers on his cheeks and paint the tip of his nose pink. Now, you were outright laughing behind your hands as he lifted up his paws on either side of his face and tilted his head with a cute, "Nya~?"

"Why are you like this?" You got out around your laughter, almost stopping when you heard a weird noise come from his throat as he made the motion of scratching with his right paw, "Did you just hiss at me?" You asked incredulously before breaking out into another fit of giggles.

"You're just jealous because my costume is better than yours." He huffed with his usual smile as he walked around the room to grab his wallet and car keys, "Come on, you're going to make us late to the party." He smirked down at you. You must have been out of your mind to find this dorks antics still surprising and funny after being with him so long.

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