Disney AU Headcanons with Kyoutani Kentarou

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Anonymous asked: Soooo I'm going through a old time Disney nostalgia thing and tearing up while listen to old disney songs... SO would it be possible to get a Beauty and the Beast AU headcanons for Kyoutani and his girlfriend

Ahh Disney nostalgia never left me tbh. I've never done AU headcanons before so bear with me please! Enjoy Anon! ;) Also I'm sorry for the late reply I actually had some trouble thinking of some good hc's I hope they please you! -Admin Terushima ;P

Kyoutani x Girlfriend Beauty and the Beast AU

HC#1: Kyoutani may have been turned into a literal beast but he's actually kind of okay with it? Like he always had a pretty rad resting bitch face so people avoided him in general and now that he got turned into an actual monster he sees even fewer people which is like A-OK with him. He actually prefers the solitude and likes the fact that he knows who his real friends are. He lowkey has totally forgotten what exactly the fairy chick had told him about the spell he just knows it has to do with the rose he threw in the back of his closet and something about true love blah blah blah, what a joke. It's enchanted right? It'll be fine back there.

HC#2: Speaking of friends, Matsun and Hanamaki are definitely a way more chill and laid back Lumiere and Cogsworth. When Kyoutani's (eventual) girlfriend comes to the castle they just walk straight up to her and start cracking jokes about peasants and country folk, Kyoutani's girlfriend definitely doesn't kick Hanamaki across the room when she first sees him. Definitely not. (refer to image below for my shitty attempt at visualizing this xDDDD)

HC#3: ________ actually only went to the castle on a dare, she is the bravest out of her friend group and a friend of hers vowed that she would ask out her crush if ______ went into the castle to prove that there were scarier things than making eye contact with your crush. ______ is a total badass and was like fuck yeah I'll do it. (Her friend didn't expect her too and is freaking out now.)

HC#4: When Kyoutani finds out that someone is in his castle at first he doesn't believe it, because one like who would be stupid enough to actually want to get into the old monster inhabited castle, and two they said it was a girl? Kyoutani is confused, annoyed, and just a little bit curious all at once. So naturally he decides the best course of action is to scare her away, terrify her so that she'll never come back. Haha good plan, he probably would pat himself on the back for thinking about it.

HC#5: Kyoutani sneaks up on _______ trying to scare her while she's wandering around and quickly realizes what a bad idea that was when she turns around and sucker punches him straight in the throat. He starts gagging and freaking out because what the actual fuck? ______ then looks at him and he expects screams but instead she apologizes saying she hadn't meant to hit him that hard smiling a little bit because haha he looks so shocked.

HC#6: He tries to threaten her and get her to go away multiple times but she just laughs him off seeming to not care that he's not technically a human. After he had given up on trying to get her to leave and had taken to prowling around the castle as she followed skipping and asking questions about his life. She finally realizes it's late and she leaves of her own accord promising to be back the next day. He tells her not to bother with a scowl. Spoiler Alert: She comes back the next day. And the day after that, and the day after that. This goes on for about a month before Mattsun casually mentions that Kyoutani's bday is coming up. _______ begins making preparations.

HC#7: On Kyoutani's birthday ________ is late. This bothers Kyoutani more than expected and he begins pacing around the castle, his mood darkening with each passing hour until finally the sun begins to set and Kyoutani's heart sinks a little because without him even realizing _______ definitely had made the castle brighter and his days a little more fun so he starts wondering if he did something wrong. He resolves to go to his room and sulk for the rest of his night when he hears _______'s voice yell from outside. "Kyoutani! Get your butt down here so we can celebrate your birthday." He'll deny it but at the sound of her voice his tail started wagging and he grinned.

HC#8: ________ had set up a cool outside birthday/star-watching party for Kyoutani and they had a fantastic time the party was pretty much over and all of the dishes and other enchanted household staff had retired inside so it was just _______ and Kyoutani outside watching the stars. ________ looked over to see Kyoutani staring at the stars thoughtfully so she giggled and asked what was on his mind. He glanced over briefly meeting her eyes before looking away and grumbling under his breath, "You." ________'s heaert jumped and she thought to herself that it was strange that she had given him the gift of a party but that single word felt like the greatest gift she ever could have received. I guess that's why I love him she thought to herself as she stared at him. I love him? ... yeah.

HC#9: Shortly after ________ thinks that all of the staff and Kyoutani change back to their human forms. Everybody is screaming and confused and happy all at once and it's right then that Kyoutani remembers the details of the curse and looks at ________ who is staring at him open-mouthed and scowls lightly at her taking her hand in his and saying, "I love you too."

A/N: FIN holy shit. That was almost a scenario more than it was HC's. Oh well it was fun either way. I hope you enjoyed it. THIS WAS HELLA AU but I tried to keep to the character as much as possible? Eh I tried. Lol!

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