Special Interest Gifts with Azumane Asahi, Oikawa Tooru, & Kuroo Tetsurou

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Anonymous asked: Headcanons for Asahi, Oikawa, and Kuroo spending Christmas with their foreign exchange girlfriend in the US and just casually mentions something he likes to her family and on Christmas day he gets a million gifts from everyone to make him feel welcome? Even the baby gives him a gift

Hmmm Alright, so it took me a while to think about what each character would like that's not commonly found in Japan already, so I hope you like what I created for you! Also, I could not think for the life of me what Asahi and Kuroo's would be, SO they are all thanks to Admin Keiji~! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Azumane Asahi: Pressed Flowers

New Country, New him. Feels as soon as he's stepped foot into your family's household like he has to put up a front that he's not as glass hearted as he really is

Everyone knows exactly how he is due to you gushing nonstop about him throughout your entire stay in Japan.

He, of course, is the center of attention as soon as you bring him home, everyone asking every little thing about his life and childhood and school and what he has planned for the future and all that good stuff to know about the man dating your child/sibling/cousin/niece/nephew/friend.

He didn't mean to say that he likes "Flowers pressed between the pages of a blank book". It just kinda slipped out when he was being fired questions left and right and having less than a few seconds to respond to each one I AM SO EXCITED TO WRITE THE SPANISH DAICHI AU BECAUSE OF THIS PART

Literally regrets saying it as soon as it leaves his mouth and has to excuse himself to a different room so he doesn't break down into anxiety tears right then and there. Poor baby! Of course, you follow after him and assure him that they wouldn't make him feel self concious about it or anything and that he should just forget he said anything and keep moving forward!

"I'm never going to live that down, ______. Now they think I'm the big coward I really am."

"No, Asahi, they don't. They already knew that you aren't the hardened criminal/delinquent kind. You've already scored big points with my dad since you've got the looks to scare off anyone who will hurt me and now you're getting high scores with all the women in my family because you actually have a big beautiful heart inside you."

"...... You really think so?" FFS He's hiding behind his hands when he asks you this T~T He's too precious! I love him so much!

"I KNOW so. My family is very easy to please and read."

Christmas rolls around! He didn't think you'd want to stay until the holidays, but he doesn't mind! Your family loves him and he loves them and enjoys feeling so surrounded by your family members. Your cousins can not stop hanging on his arms and back

Whenever he holds your baby cousins/siblings/nieces/nephews, they always pull at his hair that's escaped his bun. It doesn't hurt him, but it does make his heart swell and his mind wander to the possibility of having children with you.

Opening gifts is sometimes an event all it's own. Someone always is upset about not being Santa or not giving out the gifts to everyone. In this situation it's your 7 year old cousin who's pouting and whining and on the brink of a complete tantrum about not being able to hand out gifts. Asahi sees this and takes it upon himself to follow your cousin out of the room and talk them into coming back in with him, as best he can in his iffy English. Your cousin doesn't leave Asahi's side for the rest of your stay.

When Asahi came back into the living room, he was BEYOND surprised to see this huge pile of gifts surrounding where he'd been previously sitting. He's the last to open his gifts and is COMPLETELY embarrassed to have all eyes on him.

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