Badly Injured Reactions with Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, and Matsukawa Issei

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Anonymous asked: How do you think Oikawa, Iwa & Mattsun would react when there s/o gets badly injured during volleyball practice?

So let me warn you, these get progressively more sad as you go down the list, so if you are susceptible to angst either walk away or put on your big kid pants cause this is going to be a wild ride! Enjoy this lovely torture i've written for you! ;P -Admin Terushima ;P

Oikawa Tooru:

A grunt of pain and the hard sound of a body hitting the floor pulls Oikawa out of his focus on lecturing the new team members on their form during their practice game. He winces in empathy looking over to the court to see everyone gathered around in a circle, murmurs of "Are you okay?" and "That was a nasty fall can you stand?" slipping out of the tight knit circle until he hears something that stops his heart. A loud cry of pain, unmistakable in its origins.

It's Oikawa's s/o. Time seems to stop as he runs over pushing his way through the collection of bodies to join his s/o and quickly runs his eyes over their body searching for injuries. Seeing nothing visible he looks up to their face and feels his chest tighten painfully. While they don't seem to be visibly injured, the tears leaking out of the corners of their tightly closed eyes has him realizing there could be something seriously wrong. He begins issuing clipped commands to the people around them paying them little attention as they rush away to do his bidding, his eyes never leaving his s/o as he gently picks them up from the hard gym floor. His s/o opens their eyes slightly through the pain and meets his eyes giving him a small watery smile with a mouthed thank you.

Oikawa smiles back through his own slightly watery eyes and kisses their forehead clutching them to his chest even tighter and willing them to be okay.

Iwaizumi Hajime:

Smack. Thud. Gasp. A litany of loud noises all occurred very quickly and at first Iwaizumi wasn't quite sure what had happened. The ball had been flying towards him and he had jumped up to spike it when someone had collided extremely roughly with his spiking arm causing him to miss the spike and fall to the side. When he had gathered his wits about him enough to open his eyes he realized he was on his back staring at the ceiling which seemed to be shifting around a bit, as his vision cleared up he was aware of Oikawa kneeling next to him but looking elsewhere, worry knitting his brow and causing him to bite at his own lip harshly.

Iwaizumi was confused and then a burst of clarity, ah. He had hit someone hadn't he? Who was it? Were they okay? He lifted his head causing Oikawa to glance at him sharply and the worry on his face deepened. "Maybe you shouldn't move yet Hajime." The use of his first name and not the stupid nickname that usually fell from his smirking lips unnerved Iwaizumi. All of a sudden his mind was running through possibilities before stopping on one that caused a wave of nausea to wash over him.

He sat up sharply ignoring Oikawa's voice and his hands trying to keep him down. He moved to look around Okawa and that's when he saw his s/o on the floor not too far from where he was facedown with their head turned away from him giving him a perfect view of the matted crimson mess on the back of their head and the way they didn't seem to be moving.

"No," breathed Iwaizumi, "NO!" he screamed as he tried to lunge forward to get to their side. The last thing he remembered was his hand brushing their cold one and a sob ripping itself from his chest before he lost consciousness.

Matsukawa Issei:

Mattsun was sat in a dimly lit room, in an uncomfortable plastic chair that had peeling paint around the edges, with his head in his hands and his elbows resting on his knees as,Hanamakis hand rubbed circles on his back that might be soothing if he could focus on anything other than the utter emptiness he was feeling at the moment.

"When did it all get so wrong?" he thought to himself sadly. "How did my s/o go from smiling and laughing and poking fun at me this morning to this..." He shuddered and felt Hanamaki wrap his arm around his shoulders comfortingly. "I just," Mattsun started, "I just want to know, I need to know that they are going to be okay," he finished his breath shuddering out of him as though he was taking his final breath. "I know," Hanamaki whispered, "I know."

The sound of a door opening had Mattsun shooting out of his seat his face as passive as ever but his eyes darting around frantically searching landing on a woman in a white coat with a tired looking expression and something bitter twisting her mouth into a grimace.

Mattsun's heart pounded painfully in his chest, the sound of his own breathing irritating him to the point that he wished he could just stop. The doctor walked over to him looking up into his eyes and something in them told him she hadn't come to deliver good news. His face crumbled as she placed her hand on his shoulder and he sunk down into his seat his lip wavering as he waited to hear what she had to say.

"I'm sorry, there was nothing we could do..." that was all Mattsun heard before he zoned out looking through the doctor and locked himself into a corner of his mind rocking back and forth and weeping. For what else could be expected of him when he had just been told that he had lost the love of his life?

A/N: Hope you enjoyed them! If you cried, good. I subsist on the bitter tears of the fandom. (haha jk i really hope I didn't make anyone cry with my shit writing! It's okay it's all a lie! They are all A OKAY!)

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