Drabble #16 with Kozume Kenma

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Anonymous asked: 42 and 71 for Kenma? If you're still doing that of course :)

Ahhh Kenma! So precious! So sweet! Always wondering when he can go home to play his games lmao. Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Kozume Kenma: Drabble #42 & #71 "Stop being so cute." "I want a pet."

It was cliché. It was expected. It was partially exasperating. You knew. It wasn't a secret that taking your boyfriend, Kenma, to a cat café wasn't exactly what he pictured as the perfect date that you promised. But you couldn't help yourself! He was from Nekoma! He looked like one of the cats on display! The cat café was brand new in this part of Tokyo and you wanted to familiarize yourself with a whole new set of kittens!

He didn't actually notice you were both at the cat café until you led him inside the building and he was met with the sounds of content kitties. You were watching him intently, even if you were talking to the hostess to get a table, and almost cheered when you notice him put his gaming device in his hoodie pocket after saving his game 4 times. He'd rarely ever looked up from his game, so for him to put it away? It was a fucking miracle!

You held his hand in yours, lacing your fingers with his as you walked with him to your table inside the building, almost squealing excitedly when you caught sight of all the little kittens near your table within the café. You tugged Kenma to sit down next to you and used your free hand to reach out and entice an unsure kitten closer to you, "Come here, little one... It's okay." You cooed with a gentle smile, squeezing Kenma's hand when you finally got the kitten to come close enough for you to grab and place in Kenma's lap.

The boy froze as he stared down at the cat, letting out an exasperated sigh when he noticed it had a weird similarity to his Captain; messy black fur and all. Nonetheless, he noticed your excited expression and let his left hand stroke the cats fur, feeling more at ease when he feels the kitten start to purr in his lap. When you reached out for another kitten, he let go of you hand with a small blush, "Y-you don't have to keep a hand on me..." He murmured lowly, his monotone not changing in the slightest.

You pouted, but used both hands to reach out and take hold of another kitten with care, this one's silvery fur reminded you of an overexcitable wannabe ace on your schools team. "But I like holding your hand." You whined, reaching out and looping your arm through his instead while you giggled at the way the kitten meowed happily in your arms, it's small paws reaching out and latching onto your hoodie and climbing its way up. You couldn't help but giggle and squirm a bit before the kitten found its' resting place in the hood of your hoodie.

"Stop being so cute..." Kenma's quiet voice made itself known, and you blinked at him in surprise. You knew he hadn't meant it in a mean way. He'd only meant it as a way to express what he was feeling. His heart had started beating faster at the sound of your sweet laughter, at the way your eyes brightened when you'd felt the kittens resting spot, at the way your voice sounded when you told him you liked to hold his hand. He didn't know whether he wanted to feel this strongly about someone, but he did. And he really liked the feeling.

His eyes wouldn't meet yours, but you could see the way his blush dusted his cheeks after he'd told you to stop being cute. Of course, you couldn't help but lean forward and press a kiss to his cheek, giggling when he only seemed to flush more, "Not if it makes you blush like that." You teased with a big smile before you picked up another kitten and stroked its' head gently; This one's beige fur reminded you of a certain libero.

Kenma turned his head a bit and watched you pet the kitten so carefully, "I want a pet, _____." He said before he could stop himself, but looked at you with wide eyes with you looked from the cat to him with raised eyebrows, "I-I mean... Do you think.... It's a good idea?" He asked calmly, his eyes looking back down at the kitten in his lap so that you couldn't see that's not what he was asking at all. He was thinking that if he adopted a cat, then maybe he could get you to come over more often. "I... I'm not.... Always home..." He continued, not understanding why he was still talking but knowing that he was, "And when... I am home... I'm tired... but... lonely." He muttered before he glanced at you.

You frowned deeply and set the kitten down before you turned and wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed another kiss to his ear, "I think it's a great idea for you to adopt a kitten... And... if you want... I can come over and take care of it when you can't..." You offered, settling your chin onto his shoulder and watching his cheeks heat up with a deeper blush. You were so close to him, so far immersed in his personal bubble. But he only wrapped an arm around you and tugged you a bit closer.

"...Okay..." Was all he said before he went back to paying attention to the kitten in his lap. He was sure he'd seen an adoption agency just a few blocks away when the both of you were on the way over here. He would get a kitten that reminded him of you. So he wouldn't ever feel lonely again.

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