Overthinking with Poly Kageyama Tobio & Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: May I request KageTsukki with fem s/o headcanons? All SFW, if you don't mind. The fem s/o tends to overthink and live in her head as well, but if you ask her what she's thinking, she will respond bluntly ("penny for your thoughts?" "you" or something)

I fucking LOVE KageTsukkiFem poly T~T It's my weakness! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Kageyama/Tsukishima/Fem Poly Headcanons:

When out in public, you're usually found walking with one or the other. They are not fans of each other even if they're dating so they try to give each other as much space as possible when out of the house.

When the three of you are in the privacy of any of your homes, Kageyama and Tsukki actually get along better! But they still prefer to keep you between them so they don't rub each other the wrong way (hehehe sorry)

Cuddling with them isn't too complicated! (Thankfully! Lmao) You and Kageyama end up hugging Tsukki on either side with his hands resting on your backs or your heads. Sometimes it's a spoon drawer scenario where Kageyama is the small spoon, you're the medium spoon, and Tsukki is the big spoon that ends up turning into a knife at some point during the night.

Please imagine waking up to see Kageyama being the small spoon with Tsukki as the big spoon, Tsukki's cheek pressing on top of Kageyama's, Tsukki's long arm wrapped around Kageyama while his other arm is stretched out so his hand is loosely grabbing onto your hand. Kageyama slightly drooling into the pillow under him, one hand laying on top of Tsukki's arm around him while his other is under his head. Sure, you're out of the cuddle session, but it's such a rare sight to see them cuddled up with each other. (Tbh I'd take a picture of it and use it as a lock screen)

You're dating two people who constantly get stuck in their heads.... So you all have to get used to pulling each other out of it. Kageyama and Tsukki usually get out of each others heads by bickering, but when it comes to you, they usually try to take a softer route. (It doesn't always work like that tho T~T)

"_______-san! Stop overthinking and focus!" (Quit yelling Kageyama lmao)

"Tch, that's the pot calling the kettle black, your majesty." "I don't know why you're working so hard, ______. Trying to get sick so the king and I are forced to take care of you?" (Oh Tsukki, just can't stop being a turd can you???)

But sometimes they can be unknowingly sweet. Kageyama will usually use his permanent glaring face to clear paths for you if you don't want to talk to anyone, he won't leave your side unless you ask him to leave. And Tsukki is really good about little gifts when you least expect it; A box of your favorite pocky in your desk, he gives you some of his lunch if you're still hungry, he'll even wrap his arm around you if you're sitting together somewhere.

Other times, they'll get you out of your head by the two of them bickering so much that you have to step in and stop them. You don't even realize that's their endgame until they both turn to you with teasing smirks. (You just gave Tsukki so much material to tease you about later lmao RIP you bro)

Tsukki absolutely LOVES your blunt answers to any question. Mostly because it sounds like you're taunting people's stupidity when they ask dumb questions, but he knows you're just genuinely answering their questions. While Kageyama is kind of flustered with how blunt you are when he asks how you're feeling or what you're thinking. He didn't expect you to be so forward with your answers tbh

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