Drabble #6 with Kuroo Tetsurou

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pandorakittyhearts (http://pandorakittyhearts.tumblr.com) asked: 36, 37 & 40 for Kuroo please. I love your posts!

Anonymous asked: 40 for kuroo? (anon ask)

AHHHHH DOMESTIC KUROO INCOMING!!! CAT DADDY!!!! Thank you so much for requesting and for your kind words :D -Admin Satori <3

Kuroo Tetsurou: Drabble #36 #37 #40 "They're monsters." "Welcome to fatherhood." "The kids, they ambushed me."

It'd been a quiet day. You were in the room you shared with your husband, Kuroo Tetsurou, and working on some paperwork you hadn't finished up the day before while at the office. It wasn't exactly necessary for you to finish the work, but you didn't want to miss any bases, so you'd left Kuroo in charge of watching your children. How you thought that was a good idea was beyond you. But noticing it was a quiet day should have been your first indication that something wasn't right.

Your children weren't the saints you thought they would be when you would daydream in high school. Of course not. Not with Kuroo as their father. The moment they could walk and talk was the moment you knew you'd never live another day without hearing a terrible joke or being the victim of a prank. Thankfully, your children knew not to bother you when you were doing your work, so they'd left you alone once you'd closed the bedroom door.

Just as you were about to sign your name at the bottom of a page, still feeling giddy that your name was Kuroo ____ even after 5 years of marriage, there was the loud familiar yell of your husband and a thud soon after. You frowned, straining your ears to catch something else, but there was nothing more than a few pitter pattering of feet just outside the bedroom door. You let out a small sigh before you set down your pen and got up, stretching your muscles before you opened the door and peeked your head out, looking for any tale tell signs of what exactly had happened; though you had a pretty good idea.

"Tetsu?" You called, "____, _____, _____?" You called your children's names, wondering why it was so quiet after the initial yell. You heard some giggling from the room off to your right, and you glanced over to see their bedroom door just barely cracked and their eyes watching you. You pretended not to see them though, knowing it would add to their fun little game, whatever it was, and instead turned to go towards the living room, "Tetsu, why did you yell?" You asked upon finding your husband lying face first on the cool floor, "Did you fall off the couch again?" You sighed as you walked closer to him, nudging him with the toe of your shoe to get his attention, "Babe." You called as you got down on your knees next to his head.

His voice was muffled as he addressed you, his words going into the wood and becoming inaudible to your ears. You sighed at your husbands antics, a fond smile on your face as you leaned forward and pulled at his far shoulder so that he rolled and ended up with his head on your lap. You stared down at him with confusion at first, not sure what exactly you were seeing, the image not registering to your brain for the longest time before your hands went up to your mouth to cover your sudden laughter. "The kids, they ambushed me." Had been his immediate response as the look of amusement lit up your eyes.

He'd been vandalized. His face was covered in stickers and marker lines, red on his lips and black on his eyelids with pink lines on his cheeks for the blush. There were multiple braids in his still unruly hair, most of them were just messy knots at this point, but what really took the cake was the 'Sorry daddy' written across his forehead in purple marker. You couldn't help yourself. You leaned back on your hands, throwing your head back and laughing almost hysterically at his new look, your eyes watering and your lungs burning at how hard you were laughing.

When you'd finally calmed down, albeit letting a few giggles escape now and then, you finally went back to looking down at him, biting your lip from going into another fit when you saw how deadpanned his expression was. "Are you done? Is it over? Are you finished?" He asked, internally making you groan at his ability to use memes even when he's being more or less serious. You nodded your head and went to work taking the stickers off carefully, "Do you like my new look?" He asked, leaning up on his elbows so he was able to lean his face closer to yours.

You smiled fondly at him, "Well... It certainly is... interesting..." You offered, raising your eyebrows when his eyes looked over at the hallway, not having time to look over there yourself before you heard the giggles of your three children as they rushed back to their hiding places, "Oh, leave them... They did write their apology." You conceded with a small laugh.

"They're monsters." He muttered, enjoying the way your fingers softly worked to untangle his hair from what he assumed were braids with how tightly they were bulling at his scalp. How had his children become so cruel to him? Where had he gone wrong?

The pout on his face gave way to what his thoughts were, and you couldn't stop yourself from leaning down and kissing it away, not caring if you smeared his very pretty make up, "Yes, well, welcome to fatherhood." You teased, smiling when you noticed his eyes soften as the words left your mouth, expecting something like that to be what you retorted with.

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