Hugs and Kisses with Kuroo Tetsurou

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Anonymous asked: may I request a super fluffy Kurro hc where he's giving his fem s/o .... HUGS AND KISSES (much hugs and kisses for the admins too!!)

Super fluff is not my strong suit, so I apologize in advance. Also, the first line is what i say to my dog... okay. not just the first line. I just really love Louie, alright??

~~Admin Keiji


"_____, I just went to the doctor. I'm very sick. He said the only way to save my life is if I get kisses from you. I'm sorry to burden you so."

That's just one of his favorite lines. By your calculations, you've saved his life at least 600 times. It was a burden you were happily willing to accept.

Kuroo Tetsurou is 100% the type of person to pretend he's glued to you when giving you a hug. "Oh no, _____, someone must have slathered my arms with super glue. Guess we'll be hugging each other foreveeeer."

Also the kind of person that, if you're a lot shorter than him, will make you jump to kiss him if he's in a playful mood. Just climb him if that happens–it's an excuse to hug him, too.

If you're out in public, or just standing around anywhere, really, he casually drape an arm around your shoulder to hang off you slightly while scrolling through his phone.

On your birthday, he'll give as many kisses as the number of years you've been alive. Then he'll give you a bunch more kisses because he likes kissing you.

If you're ever feeling sad, or even just a little bit down, Kuroo's arms are always open. Something about nuzzling your face in his chest just really brightens your mood.

Kissing Kuroo in between his eyebrows makes him really happy. You don't know why and neither does he, but it just really does. Maybe because it's such an intimate place–somewhere only a person he trusts could get close enough to in order to kiss.

When he's bored, which is quite often, he'll see if he can kiss every inch of your face. He can, but each time, "I need to make sure I can still do it, babe."

Basically hugging and kissing Kuroo is a very enjoyable experience every time.

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