A little extra ;) with Tsukishima Kei

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Anonymous asked: Can we get head cannons for a chubby American s/o and Tsukishima Kei, please and Thank you!!!!

Of course you can!! I feel this request in my soul bc same same same. But I'm not going to make Tsukki salty as I imagine he would be with me lmao -Admin Satori <3

Tsukishima Kei: Chubby + American s/o

(Honestly, you were able to get past the language barrier and his salt, so you deserve a goddamn medal.) Thankfully, he's a logical human being so he would never EVER tease you on your weight or your body type. That's a low blow, even for him. But the language barrier when you two first met and afterwards? Oh... That's a free for all.

This megane will always have your health in the forefront of his mind no matter what, so when he thinks the both of you have been cooped up in the house for too long, he'll suddenly get up and just leave the house without saying a word, which then prompts you to get super confused and follow him outside. (He's literally just standing out on the sidewalk until you stand there with him for a few minutes to absorb some of the sun's vitamins before he walks back inside to lounge around again)

After the initial confusion of language, he'll actually help you tutor you in learning Japanese, and you help him in learning to speak English! He'll act like it's this big annoying chore to come over to your house almost every night and teach you something new, but he loves that you depend on him in such a way.

Although, when you start to get the hang of understanding his native language, he starts to sabotage so that you get confused. His thinking is that if you start to understand the language, the you'll no longer need his help, and the door of opportunity and possibilities would fly off the hinges. (He was scared you'd leave him behind for someone better tempered)

*in full fluent Japanese* "Kei, you told me this character means research, but I wrote it down at school and it was counted wrong. Sensei told me that it means sperm whale!" (wtf Tsukki?)

*in fluent English* "Eh? I didn't teach you that at all, ____ ... Maybe you learned it from your other tutor." (Omg, stop being such a baby)

Needless to say, you have to show him through kisses and hugs and cuddles that he's your only tutor forever and that he's practically stuck with you. And even after he's reassured by you, he's still a teasing asshole who poke fun when you mispronounce some words.

Being the tsudere (I think that's what you call characters like him) that he is, he won't outwardly look for affection, but instead will show it through the smallest of things. A playlist in your name on his phone, your own personalized ringtone, even a few cutely written notes that were passed back and forth between the two of you in class. But you can't help but internally squeal when he randomly reaches over and holds your hand in the most casual way.

If the news ever broke that you were being bullied for your weight or you not knowing Japanese too well, you can bet your ass Tsukishima is doing the whole "Pathetic" routine he did with Yamaguchi's bullies, with maybe more biting words to how they look and talk themselves. Like hell he's going to let anyone else tease you! (That's his job)

Like previously stated, he loves to have you laying your head on his chest, so if you're uncomfortable with your body, then you don't need to worry about it. Although, when he's really stressed, and the two of you are on the couch, he'll sometimes surprise you by laying his head on your lap or leaning his head against your head. (This boy could literally spit in my direction and I'd be happy tbh)

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