Boyfriend/Cuddle Headcanons with Tanaka Ryuunosuke

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Anonymous asked: Could I get some cuddle/boyfriend headcanons for Tanaka please?

YOU MAY ANON! Okay but on the real I love Tanaka so much omg. I'm so happy to do this ask. Tanaka is my sweet over-hyped 24/7 son. I love him so much! He's just too much!! <3 I want him to be my best friend/hype-man. Him and Noya. We could be squad omg. *heart eyes motherfucker* -Admin Terushima ;P


HC#1: Tanaka may not seem like the type but he's actually a total romantic. It may be hard to believe but when Tanaka falls for someone he falls hard and he always strives to give them the best of himself that he can offer. He is unbearably open and loving and will frequently take his s/o on unique dates, he somehow finds ways to make even cliché dates like going to the movies, or a nice restaurant a thousand times more fun than any date they'd experienced previously.

HC#2: Despite how loud and crazy he is he actually quiets down just a little bit when he's with his s/o. At first it was a little strange and at least a little bit disconcerting but then his s/o realized that he quieted down because he was so genuinely interested in hearing them talk about their day and even though he was quieter to show he was paying attention he would still interject with oohs and aahs and a little bit of jumping up and down as he got invested in their stories. It's one of the most endearing things about him.

HC#3: It's impossible to be in a bad mood when his s/o around him. Like it's actually physically impossible because he will pick them up and spin them around and shake them, laughing and chanting, "Shake those bad vibes off! Away! Away!" And he will tickle them until they surrender tears of laughter streaming down their face. Then he will smile at then and bump his nose against theirs with his eyes shut as he asks them if they feel better yet. Spoiler: The answer is always yes.

HC#4: He is so close with Noya it almost feels like his s/o s dating Noya too. Noya and Tanaka's s/o are partners in crime in fact they are so close that people mistake them for being involved, though Noya always claims he's down to get down with a saucy little wink he's just joking. He loves Tanaka's s/o as a very close friend and nothing more, they are also his confidante and he tries to find out Tanaka's secrets. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But it's always a great time!


HC#1: While Tanaka might not act the way people expect when he's in a relationship he acts exactly how people would expect when he is cuddling, if it can even be called that. Tanaka is a ball of energy and hype and cuddling is always more of an exercise in contortion and patience at the same time. Tanaka moves around and fidgets so often that it takes about 30 minutes every time him and his s/o sit down to cuddle before they find a good enough position. It's incredibly taxing which is probably why once they hit the 30 minute mark Tanaka is putty in their hands. All of a sudden he can't be moved at all. His s/o has had very many close bathroom calls.

HC#2: Tanaka loves being able to touch his s/o hair while they cuddle. Maybe it's because he has virtually no hair of his own but Tanaka is absolutely obsessed with hair. He'll run his fingers through it, play with it pulling it into funny little side ponies and such, but his favorite thing to do is to tug lightly on the strands and listen to his s/o sighs and feel them relax fully against him. He enjoys the reactions he can pull from them when they are at their most vulnerable and trusting.

HC#3: Tanaka refuses to end a cuddling session without at least attempting to place small kisses on every part of his s/o that he can reach without moving too far. The nape of their neck, the crown of their head, their hands when they reach up to try and stop him, their elbows, their cheek, the tip of their nose, everywhere except their lips no matter how much they beg until they look at him dead in the eyes and kiss him hard. That's when the cuddle sessions end and lead to something a bit less PG. 3:D

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this! ;)

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