Fluffy Headcanons with Nishinoya Yuu

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casanime (https://casanime.tumblr.com) asked: This blog is amazing, so glad I found it. Can you please do some fluffy Nishinoya? Thanks!

Awww I'm so glad you think so! And we're glad you could find us also! I usually find that newer blogs don't come up when you look for something, but I'm glad you could find your way to us, and I hope we don't disappoint!! ROOOOOOOOOLLLLLLING THUNDER! – Admin Satori <3

Nishinoya Yuu: Fluffy Headcanons

Will absolutely ask you to help him dye his roots once the blond starts to grow out. You have no room for argument, you gotta help the smol bean!

Honestly, the fact that he's able to show his affection to anyone other than his team mates makes his heart beat so fast and makes him love you all the more for wanting to be with him.

Thankfully, he will not bite you to show you his affection like he does with Tsukki (unless you want him to of course) but he is still a ball of energy, so you'll have plenty of kisses and plenty of hugs and plenty of hand holding and hand swinging (flinging him into the sun)

If his s/o is younger than him, and calls him senpai he will absolutely be deceased that day. (Poor Ryu will have to be his own bro) but if you're older than him and you call him Yuu-kun or Yuu-chan or Yuu-anything, he'll be a blushing mess and just be that more excited to show you around to anyone who dares to be in the vicinity of the libero.

If his s/o is shorter than him, he will feel so completely strong and in charge and able to do anything for his s/o (even though then who is going to get the stuff off the top shelf if you're both smol?) And if his s/o happens to be taller than him by any amount I'm almost 2in taller than him he'll just feel so safe and taken care of and watched over.

He's not a cook. Sorry. Ain't gonna happen. But he'll practically start crying if you make him anything.

"Yuu-chan, why are you crying? Is it burnt? Did I over season it?"

*sniffling* "No, no ___! It's delicious! Thank you for the meal!"

"B-but why are you crying then?"

"I'm just... SO grateful.... That you love me. I hit the jackpot with you, ___. Ryuu is going to be so jealous when I tell him that you can cook." (He means well lmao)

He can't ever go somewhere with you without having some kind of physical contact, so expect his hand always to holding yours, or his arm around your shoulder or your waist, even him leaning against your shoulder.

So cuddling with him is very exciting for him since it's full of you and him just pouring your affection for each other into it. Noya usually likes to cuddle so that your head is on his chest, but so that your legs are intertwined with his. His hand is always holding yours even while you both cuddle, your interlocked hands resting on his stomach as he tells you about his cool new moves he's created. (Your favorite is of course Rolling Thunder.)

Please please please go to all of his games and practices, he will claim that you're his lucky charm and that he receives so many more spikes/serves when you're there! If you particularly react to one of his receives, he may just name it after you and yell it out while in the middle of a match. (Ryuu thinks it's so fucking cool)

A/N: I just noticed that my last two posts were Bokuto focused lol whoops! I'll try not to post the same character one after the other, so that you all don't get too much of the same contact I really REALLY hope these were fluffy enough for you... If not, please don't hesitate to ask again!!! 

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