Hinata Siblings with Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, & Shimizu Kiyoko

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Anonymous asked: So much nsfw and angst! (tbh i am responsible for part of the sin :P) I love it but we needs fluff! How about Natsu having to follow Hinata to school for some reason and everyone is fawning how cute the duo are together. Especially when Natsu gives Hinata a few pigtails to match her's and he just can't ruin her hard work. Then when practice starts Natsu sits on the side cheering on her big brother and the rest of the team. Can I get Daichi, Suga, Kiyoko's reaction to the Hinata siblings?

I know right?? Lol but it's so much fun to write NSFW & Angst! Lol Thanks for participating in the sin ;D Sooooo for this request I didn't know exactly how to fit it into a scenario that wouldn't turn into a fic, you know? SO what I've done instead is like reaction paragraphs that I've done once before! It'll include the pigtails and all the cuteness, but it'll just be the reactions of those you asked for.... Thanks for requesting!! -Admin Satori <3

Reactions: Hinata siblings at school/practice

Sawamura Daichi:

He'd never knew Hinata had siblings, let alone an adorable younger sister with the same head of orange hair. He saw them walking along the halls, and actually stopped Hinata to ask him what he was doing bringing his little sister to school. At the sight of pigtails in Hinata's hair, Daichi couldn't stop chuckling through the whole conversation, and just before Hinata dragged his little sister over to his classroom, Daichi was sure to crouch down to Natsu's height and compliment her hard work on her brothers hair. "I think you did a splendid job with your brothers hair. Pigtails do suit him much better than his bedhead. Just be sure you don't cause a ruckus in his classes, alright?" Super sweet, but the firm tone in his voice reminded Natsu of their dad, so she agrees without argument. When Daichi sees her again at practice, and he sees that Hinata's pigtails have been done differently, he'll probably point it out to Suga or Asahi. He'll definitely cover the spot nearest of where Natsu sits on the sidelines so that she doesn't get hit at all, and won't move from that spot until practice is over and Natsu is safely out of any volleyballs way. He'll feel really sad when Hinata starts to take her home for the night, and he'll explain the feeling to Suga who will say he felt the same way; As if they were being parted with their own child.

Sugawara Koushi:

Suga made it a personal goal of his to get to know all of his teammates, so he knew Hinata had a little sister, and he figured she looked a bit like him, but when he first saw her he thought Hinata had shrunk. He'd been walking down the hall from the bathroom when a familiar head of orange hair collided with him. "Ah, Hinata, be careful to look around the corner before you- Oh... I'm sorry, I thought you were Hinata." Queue Natsu saying that she is Hinata, and Suga blushing a bit at being corrected by such a cute kid. He'll escort her back to the classroom where Hinata was, standing in the doorway like a worried mother as his eyes watched the small head of orange locks meet up with the same head of orange that Suga was familiar with. He'd smile sweetly and wave at Hinata when he'd look up to see who Natsu was talking about. Suga would go back to his class, but would feel kind of lonely without Natsu holding his hand or talking to him about her own schooling. Nothing could explain the feeling of happiness when he saw Natsu already sitting on the bench when he came to practice after school. He wanted to be able to hang out with her some more and listen to her infectious happiness, or even stand near her on the court so that she didn't get hurt by any stray volleyballs, but Daichi had that part handled. So Suga was in charge of making sure there were no spikes that were aimed at her on the other side of the net, which meant a sure loss for his team since Tsukishima could tell where the sets were going each time. Holds Natsu's hand while the third years walk with the dynamic duo until they had to part ways, and feels like he's going to come close to crying when he has to let go of Natsu's hand and watch her disappear with Hinata and Kageyama down the road. Daichi reassures him that he isn't alone in that feeling. Asahi is in the same boat, as well.

Shimizu Kiyoko:

Shimizu wouldn't actually see Natsu or Hinata until practice. When she comes into the gym and sees the cute little redhead sitting in her spot on the bench, she's slightly confused, but doesn't question it as she takes a seat next to the little girl. Natsu, needless to say, is FLOORED at Shimizu's beauty, and is a nervous wreck while sitting next to her, wringing her hands on her lap and crossing and uncrossing her little legs so that she didn't look super out of place next to Shimizu. Shimizu notices this, of course, and makes it her mission to get Natsu to relax. She starts talking to Natsu more or less the same way she talks to Yachi, but when she notices that's not working, she asks Natsu about herself and her brother. "So, Natsu-chan, is Hinata-kun a good brother?" Natsu LOVES gushing about Hinata, so she goes into full detail about everything her brother does and talks about and how Hinata is the BEST big brother of all time and everything else she could think about. Shimizu listens politely, adding in her own accounts of Hinata when it was necessary. Out of the blue, Natsu will ask to braid Shimizu and Yachi's hair, they both agree, and the boys are speechless of how cute the three of them are. When it comes time to leave for the day, Shimizu feels like she's saying goodbye to a sister and promises to see Natsu very soon, she even gets a hug from the volley beauty. Natsu is completely embarrassed and can't help but brag to her brother and the others about her conversations and jokes with Shimizu.

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