Random Headcanons with Semi Eita

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Anonymous asked: Could I request some Semi Eita headcanons? Have a nice day!😊

Alright get ready cause my headcanons will blow your mind! (hahahahahhah you like??? no.... okay. xD) -Admin Terushima

Semi Eita:

HC#1: Semi is an accomplished sass master. He is so good at dealing out quality roasts and one liners that most of the time people don't even realize they've just been dragged hard. They will realize later as they are eating dinner or in their bed and it will hit them like ,"Holy shit, he destroyed me!"

HC#2: Semi loves puns. If you ask him he'll deny everything saying they are horrible and that only people who have no sense of humor use them, they are the lowest form of wit yadda yadda yadda. But when he's at home and in his room he'll scroll through social media and laugh to himself, he thinks quietly but everyone can hear him. Sometimes he'll laugh so hard he'll start crying, these nights he puts himself to bed early out of shame.

HC#3: When he develops a crush on someone he can always trace it back to the first time they smiled fully at him. He considers himself hard and nigh unshakable but he's a sucker for smiles. He doesn't quite know why but whenever someone smiles at him, really smiles and you can tell exactly how they feel in that moment, it gets him.

HC#4: He has a hilarious sounding laugh. I have no reasoning behind this one other than, look at him! He just definitely looks like the kind of guy that if you really got him going with the jokes his laugh would just totally devolve into like hysterics or dying whale sounds or something. I love that shit.

A/N: Well anyway, I hope this is what you were looking for anon! I don't know this character all that well so I hope I did him some small amount of justice! Have a good night! :)

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