Teaching the Sweet Owl Bokuto Koutarou

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Anonymous asked: can I request some hc's about what it would be like tutoring bokuto? (obv you'd only get like 1 minute of tutoring in before he tries to start cuddling and complain how you should "put the evil math demons away")

I like the way you think, anon! Bokuto basically studies the way I do.... I don't :D Anyway, I hope you like what I whipped up for you! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Bokuto Koutarou: Studying Headcanons

He only came to you after his latest low score on a test he'd definitely studied on (he looked at the book for like 10 minutes then took a nap) and you had to console him for a solid hour so that he didn't sink lower into feeling like a complete failure in everything in life (he's such a lovable drama queen tbh)

You were a bit worried about how well the tutoring session would go since you knew how he studied by himself. But you prepared anyway, making sure all the study materials were at your table in the dining room so that you both didn't have to get up for anything and disrupt whatever progress you were able to make. So when Bokuto came into the room, he was blown away by how determined you were to help him. It touched his heart and made him tear up. (It took you another hour to console him for that as well.)

He was surprisingly focused for the first couple of hours, but that was only because he really wanted to succeed in getting an acceptable test score!

That focus waned off once he noticed how cute you looked when your eyebrows would furrow when you were trying to figure something out, or how you'd glance up at him now and then to make sure he was still working.

Once he started paying attention to you, the tutor session might as well have been cancelled because then it gave way to him wanting to try to catch your attention as subtly as possible.

He'd put his pencil on his upper lip and try to hold it there by curling it close to his nose, only to huff when it would fall to his lap. He'd started putting as many as the utensils he could get his hands on into his gelled hair and seeing how many he could put in there (all 12 pencils and 6 pens you'd brought to the table fit.) When he got bored with that, he took it all out and busied himself with badly drawing volleyballs all over his papers

You honestly hadn't even noticed he wasn't paying attention to your instruction until you were interrupted by him suddenly leaning over the table and pressing his lips against yours in a sweet kiss, which startled you into silence as you stared him down. He slumped down and put his head in his arm, which he was now smiling behind at your reaction.

"___-chan, this is so boring, let's go watch a movie in the living room."

"Koutarou, you're supposed to be learning. Your next test is ne-"

"Shhhh... Movie time, yeah? I need a break or my brain is going to explode! I don't wanna explode! If I explode, then I won't be able to cuddle with you ever again! And I won't be able to spike anymore of Akaashi's sets!"

You almost had the urge to call Akaashi to get him to convince Bokuto into continuing the tutoring session, but the strain of your eyes, and how good a cuddle session with the beefy ace sounded, did make you realize that a break was very much needed.

Next thing you know, it's almost 10 at night (meaning Bokuto would have to spend the night at your place since he live halfway across town) and you were both still on the couch while your tutoring session was LONG forgotten by the precious owl prince. Who was now asleep with his head on the armrest and his arms wrapped around you, holding you on his chest 

You decided to give the tutoring session one more try the next day, but only had the same outcome.

Bokuto did only a little bit better on his next test, which he excitedly showed you with his arms flailing everywhere and his voice being as loud and boisterous as ever, giving you kisses all over your face and so many hugs it was probably going to bruise your ribs with how tight he'd hold you.

He treated you to ice cream after school for all your hard work in tutoring him and putting up with his procrastination tactics.

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